Chapter 10 The Earth Temple

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Geo and his team are headed to the Monkey Temple which is in the middle of the forest to see if they can enter the old temple.

Liberty's P.O.V

What is the monkey temple? I have not heard of it. The monkey temple is an old temple that we found when we were camping one day; and back then, when Marshall, Zuma, Geo and I tried to get inside but we had no luck replied Rocky. Then why are we going back if you could not get in last time? We are going back because now that we are all together as a team there might be something new for us there replied Rocky. Wait where is Geo asked Zuma? He went to make us some food before we get to the temple, replied Marshall. How long till we reach this temple? We can't just drive up to the temple; we will only be able to drive up to where the monolith is, which is about 3 miles away from the temple replied Marshall. Wait, that is it! That is what we are missing yelled Rocky! What do you mean Rocky? You don't get it, there was something written in the book that made no sense until now, replied Rocky. What was written in the book that made no sense? Let me get the book and I will read what it says, replied Rocky. He went into Geo's room to get the prophecy book and when he got back and tried to open it, it would not open. Why won't this open replied Rocky. Maybe it will only open for Geo, because he is the prince, and the book was left for him. Liberty reaches for the book so she can place it on the table until Geo can come open it, but when she grabs the book, it glows and then the book opens to the second page. How come the book opened for you Liberty? and not me asked Rocky. I don't know, but then Liberty remembered something that Queen Penny had said "you and Geo have a different kind of special bond with each other, and Baxter and Lydia are not the only spirit powers that you will have. There is one other, but you will have to find that one out with the help of Geo" hey Liberty are you ok asked Marshall? I am fine. I just remembered something that Queen Penny told me before she sent me back; but on the other hand is something wrong with Rocky, he looks confused about something. He will be fine eventually. He is just trying to figure out why the book opened for you and not him replied Marshall. This does not make sense; how did Geo even know what the book says asked Rocky? What do you mean Rocky? What are you saying asked Marshall? Well look at the book there are no words, just symbols and pictures on the pages, replied Rocky. You are right there are just symbols and pictures replied Marshall. Let me see, as Rocky pushes the book in the direction of Liberty. Are you guys sure? I see words written on the pages and they say to gain entrance to the monkey temple please raise the prophecy book in front of the knowledge stone and repeat these words "oh great temple of the earth please give us guidance to the great Baldor's shrine" and then the path shall be open". Let me get this straight, for some reason you and Geo are the only ones that the book reacts and opens for. When we look at the pages, we just see symbols, but when you and Geo look, you guys can see what it says. I wonder why that is asked Rocky. Liberty when you said that you remembered something that Queen Penny said, what did she say asked Marshall? She said that it was destiny that Geo and I met and that we had a different kind of special bond. There was one more spirit that chose me, other then the two spirits that I met, and when I asked her who the other spirit was, she told me I would have to figure it out with Geo whatever that means. That makes sense if Geo is the prince of elementals, and the prophecy book was left with him. He can read it because he is a elemental; maybe the symbols in the book are the language of the elemental's replied Rocky. But that does not explain why Liberty can read the text asked Marshall? That is true but remember what Liberty just said, when Queen Penny told her that Geo and Liberty had a different kind of special bond and maybe just maybe the extra spirit that Queen Penny was talking about was Queen Penny herself and I have been thinking, we have been talking to a King and Queen but King and Queen of what asked Rocky? What are you trying to tell us Rocky asked Marshall? I think that King Alfred and Queen Penny are the King and Queen of the elemental's that sent their son into the future in the prophecy book. Which means what asked Rocky? Wait, are you trying to say that King Alfred and Queen Penny are Geo's real parents asked Marshall? Exactly! What I am trying to say is, when I was questioned by King Alfred, one of his questions was: What would I do if anything happened to Geo and now that I think about the question, I think he was testing me to see if I would do anything to keep Geo safe. When I told him if anyone tried to hurt him, I would hunt them down and make sure they didn't hurt anyone else. and when I said that I could swear I saw King Alfred sigh in relief replied Rocky. I have two more questions, when you said that the third spirit, I did not meet, was the Queen herself and the other question is if there are only 8 elements that we met, how come the gold collar that Geo is wearing, has 10 gems on it? I have a theory for that, first I will answer the question why there are 10 gems on Geo's collar. When we only met a total of 8 spirits the other two gems have to be the powers of the King and Queen. To answer your other question, I do think that the Queen is the other spirit that chose you and that is why you can read the symbols in the book replied Rocky. Still, that does not explain why Queen Penny told me that Geo and I have a different kind of special bond and why did she choose me? You don't get it do you? She chose you because you fell in love with Geo and if Geo is really the prince of elementals and one day he will become the new king of elementals; I think Queen Penny chose you, not only that you fell in love with Geo, but Geo has chosen to fall in love with you even though not to long ago Geo thought that no one would ever fall in love with him, all that changed when he met you. That is the different kind of special bond that she was talking about replied Rocky. What you are trying to say is that Geo has chosen me, out of all pups, to be his princess. He chose me! That is right, he chose you, and I think that Queen Penny sees that to and that is why she chose you because she believes in the bond that you and Geo have, replied Marshall. What about the Kings power? Who has that? Geo has his powers since he is the prince and all, replied Marshall. One thing still bugs me though, the fire element is inside you right Marshall? Yea that is right, what is your point asked Marshall? If the fire element is in you Marshall, then how did Geo burst into flames and free us when we were kidnapped? Maybe the same reason his collar has all 10 gems, since he is the prince of elementals, he may have the power of all the elements. It would make sense right asked Rocky. Wait, do you think that Geo knows that King Alfred and Queen Penny could be his real parents? If not, should we tell him? To tell you the truth, even if he does know he does not care replied Marshall. Why would you say that asked Rocky? Because one day I asked him if he would miss his real parents if he knew who they were and he told me that it does not matter who his real parents were because Sarah, Eden and I are the only true family he needs replied Marshall. Do you think he still feels that way asked Rocky? Yes, I do still feel that way because Marshall, Eden and Sarah are the ones that found me and raised me even though I am the prince of elementals. I still have Marshall, Eden, and Sarah as my true family. Geo walked in with some food. How much of the conversation did you hear Geo? Not too much, I started listening when you asked if I thought King Alfred and Queen Penny, were my real parents. We had better eat because we are almost there replied Geo.

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