Chapter 3

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Yeah I was right, it's been about a month I'm here a no, it didn't get better. I already got beat up 2 times for being the new kid and for talking to Dean in school by a couple of girls. I already had to run away from Mr. Hammer's room 2 times, thank God he still hasn't succeeded, and, yeah, nobody cares.

Right now I'm in the middle of the 3rd fight, after the first 2 I started to learn how to defend myself, but the girl I was fighting against had much more experience

'DONT...TALK...TO...HIM...AGAIN' She screamed between the punches she gave me. After I was almost passing out she stopped and walked away, everybody that was around also walked away and I was left laying down on the floor, spitting blood.

'Hey..' I heard a voice say, it was Dean

'NO, you stay away from me! Look what happened'

'I know, but...I cant'

'Cant what?'

'Stay away'

'Ugh Dean!' He grabbed me from the floor and was taking me somewhere, I really didn't have the strength to fight, as I had passed out

When I woke up I was in a totally different space, it was a spaced room and it seemed like it was underground. It was decorated with posters from rappers and hip hop dance groups and some really cool writings on the walls. I was laying on a improvised couch and Dean was sitting next to me

'What did you do?' I said as I tried to get up but my head hurt too much

'What do you mean?'

'Did you abuse me? Did you rape me?'

'NO, no, of course not! I'm not that kinda guy...I took care of you'


'Cuz I felt guilty'


'Yeah, those girls were beating you because of me!'

'Because I talked to you...Oh if they only knew that you only talk to me to humiliate me'

'Oh don't be such a drama queen'

'Shut the fuck up'

'You are getting the hang of the thing'

'You think?' I said ironic gesturing my bruised body'

'Yeah, they will stop beating you, I promise'

'You don't care'

'I care more than you think' He said as he got up 'But now, I gotta go. DON'T leave! I'll bring you some food' He said as he left, you see Dean is kinda confusing, but I think I'm starting to figure him out. Every time he says something sweet or something that has feelings I know he means it and as soon as he realized what he said, he says something rude to cover it up. Just enough, a couple of minutes after he left he came back with a bowl of soup. 'Mr. Hammer asked about you' I rolled my eyes

'Ugh, he won't let me go, will he?'

'He hasn't got you yet?'


'Then he wont give up until he does, I know it's disgusting'

'It's disgusting and sexist! Man think that just because we are women that we are their properties, like they can do anything with us. But no! My body, my rules'

'Are you a feminist or something?'

'As a matter of fact I am. I had a group back home'

'A feminist group?'

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