Chapter 13

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(Beyonce's P.O.V.)

In the first couple of days after Blue left I could barely get out of bed, I didn't want to get out of bed. But Jay made me go on with my life like nothing happened, like I hadn't just lost my child. He was becoming worse and worse everyday, he threaten me all the time. He hadn't hit me yet because I hadn't given him a reason yet, I was too weak and sad to fight him right now. 

But my son Matt was starting to realize the whole situation and he was seeing his father differently now, he changed when Blue left. He wasn't that sweet child anymore, he kept locked in his room and whenever we talked to him he seemed angry towards us, he blames us for taking his sister away again, not that he isn't right.

We had lunch and dinner as a ''family'' everyday, Jay would go on and act like everything was back to normal because for him it was back to normal. Since he got rid of the only person standing on his way. Well Blue was one of them, the other was Solo, but Solo hasn't been around since my dad was killed so I figured she wasn't much of a problem to him anyway. I practically didn't speak to him or at all for that matter, I didn't feel like talking, but he would ask me questions and if I didn't answer him he would get mad, so I would just go along with it. It was like this for a couple of days. 

Until Matt started to snap back at Jay's questions, he was becoming rude and aggressive and I could see Jay's reaction every time Matt answered him rudely, it was only a matter of time until something bad happen. 

I was right, eventually Matt figured the whole thing out, he had done his research, I wish he had confronted me first, I'd have explained everything to him, I wouldn't lie to my child again, but instead he confronted Jay.

'YOU TOOK HER AWAY! YOU DID THIS! YOU KILLED GRANDPA AND GRANDMA, WHO ELSE DID YOU KILL?' I heard him scream one day from my room, I immediately got up and ran towards them, Jay had reached Matt's throat and he was strangling him, I did everything I could to make him stop, I had seen that expression on Jay's face a couple of hundreds times, so I was scared that he would kill my child.

'LET HIM GO! HURT ME INSTEAD! PLEASE JAY!' I scream and pleaded but he would listen, so I grabbed the first thing I saw, a massive statue I had brought from Africa, it was heavy and made of steal, so I hit Jay with the statue on the head so he would let go of Matt, it worked, but he hadn't passed out, he stumbled back. 'MATT, go to your room and lock yourself, NOW!' 

'What about you mommy?'

'Don't worry about me, just go!' He did as he was told, but it was still not over, Jay was recovering and walking towards me, I was guarding the door

'You fool, I'll kill you for that!'

'Then kill me! Just don't hurt my child!' I told him, I was ready to face him, even if I was killed, it would be worth it, at least I'd finally be free of him. Before I could even defend myself he grabbed me and threw me into our room and locked the door behind him, I desperately ran to the door and tried to open it, but no use, he was gonna hurt Matt. I heard screams from my room, I was becoming more and more desperate, I was sweating and my heart was racing. Suddenly the screams stopped and it meant the worst thing had happened. 'JAAAY! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!' I screamed for the 100th time and for my surprise he did, his hands had blood in them, I looked at him and he looked defeated, behind him, I could see Matt laying down, I ran towards him

'Matt, Matt, honey, please! NO!' I was checking for his vital signs, Jay had stabbed him and on his neck I could see the marks of Jay's fingers 'YOU MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU? HE'S YOUR SON!' I told Jay

'He tried to communicate with Blue' Jay said in almost a whisper

'What?' I looked at him not believing what he had said

'HE TALKED TO BLUE! ON THE PHONE! TEXT MESSAGES! UGGHH EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT, going according to plan, but HE ruined it!' He was crazy, I got my attention back to my son, he was still alive, but barely, I reached for the phone to call 911 but Jay stopped me

'How are we going to explain this to the cops?' I asked

'We WON'T! Take him to the hospital and don't say a word!'

'How am I going to do that?'

'JUST DO IT!' I grabbed my son and walked towards the car, when I got to the hospital I was desperate for them to save his life, and they did, but the questions would come afterwards, so as soon as he was ok again, I took him away without the nurse realizing it and we ran away, not just from the hospital, but from Jay. I don't know how long we will be able to keep this up, but I have to try. 


Ok guys, this is Bey's P.O.V. as you asked for! I hope you guys liked it, sorry for the wait, it was so long! 

There is more, much more to come! But I rather stay on Blue's P.O.V. 

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