Chapter 11

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(Blue's P.O.V.)

I had been woken up by Solo the next morning, I barely even slept during the night, I think I ended up falling asleep around 5AM and it was 6:30AM now

'C'mon, Blue, you gotta get up for school'

'School? But the judge said...'

'Never mind the judge, just get up ok?' she said impatiently. I dragged myself out of the bed and got dressed. When I went to the kitchen they were all there having breakfast, Alan, Solo's husband and Julez, Solo's son, my cousin. 

'Good morning' I said nervously, they both greeted me but Solo seemed in a very bad mood.

'What do you eat for breakfast?' she asked

'Anything really.' I said, she gave me a yogurt and some cereal, which was good enough for me 'What school am I going to?'

'It's called Lincoln High, I'm sure you'll like it there' Alan said, I nodded. I was too sleepy to have any other response. When we finished breakfast we were ready to go. Solo didn't speak to me on the ride there and she left me at the sidewalk when we arrived

'You can get around right?' she asked

'Sure.' I simply said and she rode off without saying goodbye. I hate this, I feel like I don't belong anywhere, when I walked to the door I could see some happy teenagers talking excitedly. I wish I could be like that, have no worries beside who is going to invite me to the prom. But it wasn't like that and when I came into the school and hear all those people, my mood started to change, I was even more depressed now then I was at aunt Solo's, if that's possible. Some people turned to me, recognizing me, obviously, which I really didn't want, I don't need any more problems in my life. I headed towards the principals office with my head down, hoping no one would talk to me. 

'Ms. Carter, welcome to Lincoln High. I'm sure you've heard that the judge allowed you to come here, but I'll not let anything pass by, no aggressive behaviors or fights, you understand, right?' I nodded 'Ok, here is you time table, have fun!' I got up from her office without saying a word, I felt like the words couldn't come out of my mouth. 

My first lesson was chemistry. Great, ugh, I hate it. I got into the class and the teacher was already there trying to calm everybody down, but people were way to excited, when I came in, everybody stopped and looked at me. 

'Oh, a new student!' The teacher said 'I'm Mrs. Lomax, your chemistry teacher and you are?'

'I'm Blue.' I said

'Blue, welcome to my class, please take a seat.' I chose the seat right at the back thinking people would leave me alone there

'Hey, won't she introduce herself?' A boy full of himself asked the teacher

'Well, she could...' I nodded negatively 'Oh C'mon dear, just get up and say your name and a couple of things about you'

'I really don't want to' I responded 

'C'mon' People in the class shouted, I sighed and got up

'Hi, my name is Blue, I just moved here' And sat down again 

'Hey, wait, you are Blue Ivy Carter!' The same boy said again, he sounded like it was news but I knew he was saying it ironically, I nodded to his question 

'She killed a man! She should be in jail!' Another girl shouted 

'HEY! It wasn't like that! She was defending herself from that rapist pig!' Another girl said defending me, I was thankful for that, she looked at me and smiled. After what she said the whole class started arguing whether I was innocent or not, they only stopped when the teacher threaten everyone of detention if they didn't stop. 

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