Chapter 5

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(Blue's P.O.V.)

It took us a few hours to get to New York, it was night when we got close to the island and we could see the shape of the landscape of that beautiful city. Lights were shining from the Empire State building, I looked at Dean and his eyes were glittering, he was really happy.

I know I'm from New York, but I don't remember being here at all. All sort of emotions came through me when we got out of the bus, my parents lived here, I was in the same city as my parents. 

We could see some cops on the station and some man in black apparently looking for someone. Immediately we tried our best to fit in and to run away from any inspection.

'Are you ok?' Dean asked me

'Yeah, it's just such a big city, I'm...kinda scared'

'Don't worry, I'll protect you'

'Well, you know, I could protect myself...'

'Right, I forgot, sorry.' He said referring to the fact that I'm a feminist.

We got to these hostel that was really just shity, it was dirty and uncared for, but it was what we could afford. Dean said it was only for a while, just until he got his job and then we could get something better. But this feeling came to me at night, that he wasn't gonna get anything and that we weren't gonna get anywhere. Now we had no school, no chance of going to college, no chance of getting a proper job, absolutely nothing, at all. I thought about it and I started regretting leaving Houston. But then I remember I killed a guy so, yeah, I had to run away.

The next morning I went looking for jobs when Dean went to his audition. It was great cuz I got to do some sight seeing and the city was just amazing. Eventually I was really happy cuz I got a job at a Starbucks near by the hostel. All I had to do now was wait for Dean to come back from his audition.

(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

I took the next flight to New York and Jay was waiting for me at the airport, we hugged and I told him all about the confusion I had in Texas and the fact that I lost my daughter 3 times now. We went to the police station and reported that she was missing.

'Are you sure she came to New York?'

'I'm not SURE, it's of her friends tipped me.'

'Right...Mrs. Carter, do you think your daughter is running away from something? Like a murder?'

'What? NO! My daughter is only 16 years old! How could she? No. I don't think so.'

'Right, well a lot of 16 year old kids commit murder, but, well if you say so... The investigations in Houston are still happening, we will find out who did this to Mr. Hammer'

'Yeah, I hope they will. Now, will you help find our daughter?'

'I'm sorry, but if you are not sure that she is here, we can't waste any man, New York is a dangerous city...'

'No, you don't understand. She IS here. And you gotta find her!'

'Well, how about that! I gotta find her, right...Listen, I not gonna waste my time on this any...'

'What if she did it?' Jay finally said

'Did what?'

'Kill Mr. Hammer. Then you'll go after her'

'Well...If she did it...'

'But when a mother asks you to find her child, you don't move a finger.' He said getting up, I got up too to stop him from doing anything he'd regret to an officer 'WE will find her. And if she really did commit the crime, YOU are NOT gonna get your hands on her, because we are VERY rich and powerful. Have a good day'

We left the police department and I could see that Jay wasn't kidding at all. We are gonna send about 30 people looking for her all over New York.

'Beyoncé, come here please' Jay called me as he was talking to a group of guys, I came closer and he put his arm around me 'This is what she looks like, but younger' They all nodded and left 

'Is everything going accordingly?' I asked him

'I got a group of people looking for her at every region in New York' He said showing the map 'We'll go look in Manhattan.'

'And if someone finds her?'

'The phone will ring' I looked at his phone nervously. As we looked for her, I could see that he held that phone really tight to his hands, hoping that it would ring all the time.


I know what you are gonna say, that Blue wasn't so young when she left, so she would remember, BUT, I'll explain: she got so traumatized by everything that happened between her parents and what her grandmother told her that she forgot all about everything. She simply just erased it. Sometimes that happens.

Ok, well, I hope you like the story! Please comment and vote


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