Chapter 15

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'Don't you try to get close to her!' Dean told him

'What did you do to my brother? Where is he?' I confronted him

'Why don't you come with me and find out?' he told me

'You are a monster!'

'And so I've heard, c'mon, the easy way or the hard way?' 

 'Why don't you come and find out?'  I imitated him

'I don't have time to play games right now' He said as he took out a gun off his pants and aimed at Dean

'NO! I'll go, please don't!' I said as I stepped toward him

'Good girl!' he said as he signed for me to walk forward and I did, as soon as I did I felt something hit me on the head and I passed out. 

(Beyoncé's P.O.V)

In order to be entirely safe from Jay I hired a professional bodyguard for me and Matt and I also hired someone to follow Jay around, I had hacked his phone and I knew where he was all the time, so whenever I felt he was coming to close to our hideout, we would move again. 

Matt was fine and I was able to explain everything to him. He understood, but it was upsetting to him that we weren't able to live our lives anymore the way we used to, he couldn't go to school or anywhere else for that matter. We couldn't leave the country either because he was still a minor and so in order to leave we need both parents authorisation. 

At first Jay was just desperately trying to find us, likewise he hired people to look for us, but none of them got anywhere close. I had been smart this time, I had all those hours at the hospital to plan the whole thing. There was just one flaw to this plan: Blue. 

A couple of days went by til I felt safe enough to try and contact Solo, I'd try to get my daughter back. When I finally was able to convince Solo that I was safe and away from Jay, she told me that she didn't know where Blue was. And that she was last seen with that boy Dean and she figured she must have run away with him again. Something in my guts told me that wasn't true, that she wasn't safe with Dean. Something told me Jay got to her first. 

I contacted my hacker and the shadow I hired to follow Jay to get his location and to see if they didn't see anything strange. They reported back that he often rode all the away to a cabin in the woods, spent a couple of hours there and then left again. The shadow waited until Jay was out to get in and see if he could find anything, but the cabin was empty. No furniture, no one, just nothing. 

I knew that cabin. I knew that it had its secrets, only I knew. Only I could get in there and find my daughter. 


I walked in to the cabin in the woods, after leaving Matt with a trusted bodyguard. Getting there again brought me all sorts of memories, things I already remembered but wanted to forget. I stepped in carefully and headed towards the end of the corridor where I knew a fake door stood, but before I could get there I heard footsteps behind me.

'I knew you'd come' Jay said with a fake sweetness

'I've come for Blue, I'll take her and we will leave'

'So brave all of the sudden...' He said with admiration 'You forget you have a lot to loose'

'So do you' I told him

'I already lost you, haven't I?'

'Then why do you keep doing this? Can't you just leave us alone? Let us be? Why are you like this?'

'Because I love you'

'You don't know what love is' When I said that he tried to approach me, but this time I came prepared, I pulled the gun on him 'Now...I'm not stupid, tell me where Blue is' He didn't answer, he just smiled 

'Wow, that makes me so hot...You've always been sexy with a gun'

'Shut it!' I said pointing the gun higher to his face 

'You are not gonna shoot me' 

'Just try me'

'You are not...' He said as he came close, my hands started to shake 'You how I know this?' He said grabbing my hand that was holding the gun and pinning it against my back 'Because you don't have what it takes' He moved my hair from my ear and whispered 'You are not a killer like me'

I tried to struggle but he had pinned me against the wall and he now had the gun I had been holding. 

'Jay...Please, just tell me where she is'

'Ahh, that is my favorite part, the begging, the submission, you've always been good at it' I struggled harder at that phrase. 'Shh, now now, I'll take you to see her one more time...And then it'll be just you and me, always...together' He dragged me in front of him as he opened the fake door. We headed down the stairs, I was stumbling down the steps as he was holding my hair and head up. 

Blue came into our direction ready to attack, but Jay showed her the gun and I shook my head

'Behave or she dies...' He threaten her. He let go of me hard, I ran towards my baby and hugged her tight. 'You see how good I am Bey? Letting you see her one more time? Is that all you need?'

'So what's the plan uh? If you mean to kill her you are gonna have to go through me first' I told him

'No no, I'll take you upstairs, we will make love, because I missed you so much, and then while you sleep I'll kill her, get rid of the body and we can leave together, forever' 

'Just like you did my parents?'

'Yes, just like I did them and will do to any who stands in our way'

'How did you kill them Jay? HOW?'

'You don't know? There is a little pill that you can slip into old people's food that will cause a heart attack, the police and everyone thinks it's natural causes and won't even check...'He said naturally 'So c'mon, let's go upstairs, be a good girl'

'No Jay' I told him bravely 'I'll not be a good girl'

'Put your hands on your head sir' The police officer behind Jay said as he pointed the gun to his head, 2 other police officers pointed the gun at him, protecting us in case he made us hostages.

'You really think I'd come unprepared?' I told him as they were arresting him 'Your big mistake was underestimating me, see you in court' Not only did I get him arrested red handed, but also with a full confession, my parents were going to get the justice they deserved.

When they took him away I hugged Blue once again 'Oh baby, I'm so sorry, so sorry about everything! I was just trying to protect you...'

'I know mom, don't worry, it's over now, we're free' I kissed her a hundred times and still kept her close. 

We drove back to the hide out where Matt greeted us happily, he hugged Blue first and then me. I kissed them both on the forehead. It was all over, we were free. 

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