Chapter 2

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'I'm really sorry you have to go' Rachel said crying when she hugged me. I was at the door of the bus I was going to take to Houston. I only had two bags of my stuff and a little box my grandma left me. The rest of our stuff belongs to the governement now. I didn't want to look inside the box just yet, I was too hurt to see anything from grandma right now, after her funeral I was pretty devastaded, and now I'm going to have to leave home.

'I know, I'm sorry too'

'But we'll keep in touch' Kelly promised

'Yeah, you be sure of that, we're sisters, forever' Jen added. We all hugged until the driver said we were about to leave. I said the last goodbyes, got into the bus and watched them fade away from my window.

I guess I just can't keep crying about the past right? But sometimes it's hard. I'll just have to look out for whatever is coming to me in the future. I really hope it gets better.

It took us a few hours to get to Houston and then to the home. It was a big house, but poor. I could see some parts falling down from it. I sighed when I saw where I was going to live. The good thing was, I would be around other teenagers, it wouldn't be that bad.

That's my thought until I saw the other teenagers. When I came in there was a common room, people with tattoos and piercings, not like that scares me but most of them seemed to be high on drugs and alcohol, bottles of beer and vodka where at the tables. The smell was terrible.

'This is the OTHER common room' A woman said coming to my direction 'Hi, don't be scared, you can call me Mrs. Hammer, my husband owns the place.' I shook her hand still not being able to say anything ''Follow me, I'll show you around.'

We walked around and she showed me the kitchen, the dormitories and the another common room which seemed pretty normal to me, thank god.

'Usually people come in on this side of the house, i don't know how you ended up on the other side. Yeah, i know it's pretty tough. Most of them kids lost their parents when they were little, they've been around homes since they can remember, some of them don't take it that well. What about you, what's your story? You seem pretty quiet'

'I'm kinda shy. I used to stay with my grandma, but she died a week ago so...'

'So sorry to hear that.' I smiled at her, we were still walking around when suddenly someone just bumped on me and I fell hard on the floor

'HEY, watch where you are going!' A guy's voice screamed at me, I took a very good look at him, he seemed mad

'That was rude'

'Oh was it?' He said as he left

'That's Dean' Mrs. Hammer said helping me get up 'He's the toughest around here, his mother was shot in the head while she was holding him, he was only 4.'

'Yeah, well, that doesn't give him the excuse to be so rude'

'Yeah... But... As I said people take things their way, at least he's not on the drugs, he drinks sometimes and surprisingly he gets much nicer when he's drunk'

'I really don't believe you' I said and she laughed

'I'll show you to your dormitory, it's separated from the boy's, so no boy around here ok?!'

'No problem'

'Kim?' She called for a girl that was sitting in one of the beds in the room. There were more beds then I could count and a huge window at the end of the room. The bathroom was common for all the girls and it was equally as big as the room. The girl looked up and seemed upset when she saw me, she got closer and looked me up and down 'Please, make her feel at home' Mrs. Hammer said with a smile. 'I gotta leave now, ok Blue?! I think you're in good hands' she winked and left me.

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