Chapter 14

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'Mom! Wait!' I screamed out to the person right in front of me who appeared to be my mother. She was wearing a black coat and she kept looking back but she kept running away from me. Everything was kinda blurry so I figured I must be on a dream or something. 'MOOM!' I screamed out again, but this time she had completely vanished and so did everything around me, it all went black, tho I could still hear some voices

'Yes, I know Solo...But she has to come!'

'I can't believe she actually tried to kill herself'

'I told you she was depressed...'

'But Bey is not gonna come...'

'It couldn't be worst'

'Mom?' I asked softly as I finally opened my eyes.

'Hey Blue' Alan said as he held my hand, I could see that he had cried. I was in the hospital

'How long was I out?'

'A day, but you'll be fine' he answered

'Is my mother here?'

'No, honey, she couldn't come, she was too busy'

'That's a lie' I said shaking my head 'I want her to come'

'I know, me too. But she won't, I'm sorry'

'It's not your fault' I said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep again, next time I was up, Solo was there too and a couple of more people I didn't know

'Blue this is doctor Hengerman, he's gonna be helping you out and this is doctor Thompson, she is here to talk to you' Solo said

'Hi Blue, I was wondering if we could talk' I nodded since I was still very sleepy, the rest of the people on the room left so we could have some privacy. 'So, tell me what happened?'

'I was wondering if you could tell me that'

'You drank 10 tylenol pills and passed out, you were going to die if your aunt hadn't brought you here'

'Oh yes, that is right, but I wasn't trying to kill myself'

'Oh really?'

'It's silly but I wanted my mother to come see me, you see? She didn't tho' The doctor noted that on her pad and kept asking all this type of questions I did not want to answer and at some point I got mad and told her to leave. My head was spinning, I felt like I was passing out just like I did after I took the pills. This time Solo came into my room and closed the door, I was barely awake when she started talking, but something in her speech made me pay attention

'...It's time for you to move on, she is in a whole other place right now, her family does not include you or me. Don't be angry or sad over her anymore, you just gotta move on. She doesn't care about you anymore. Like she doesn't care about me. I tried to interfere, but it only got worst. Way back, when you were little, your father was cheating on your mom and I got so angry that I beat him up on a elevator. That felt really good, I'm glad I did it because afterwards things only got worst. The next time we met he threaten to kill me if I didn't stay out of his business, I thought he was bluffing, but he wasn't, so I stepped back away from my sister. She chose that life she has now, she chose something that doesn't include us. Stop grieving, move on...' 

I fell asleep again and this time it seemed more like a memory than a dream, all the times I spent with my mother when I was little, us going to the zoo, us on a boat, playing around at sea, playing around at the pool and as those memories changed they started to fade away, like I was forgetting about them. When I woke up Solo's speech had sink in on me and I understood once in for all that I could never have my mother back, and I didn't want her back. I wanted to move on away from her.

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