Chapter 8

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'You are saying you are gonna kill me? I'm your daughter!'

'Sure as hell you don't act like one! My daughter would be much more behaved than you'

'My behavior does not concern you'

'See? And you call yourself my daughter! I wasn't a father for you for a very long time, it's not going to make a difference!'

'If I die? It's not gonna make a difference?'

'I'll make it a very tragic death, you'll see! Now go back to bed, and BEHAVE for once'


'NOW!' I did as he said cuz I was actually getting scared of him, if he really killed granny I need to find out and plan revenge for a perfect timing, not right now. 

I got up at 7AM today, just got out of bed, because I was not able to sleep after my meeting with my father last night. It got me thinking all this time, how were we suppose to act on this? How was I suppose to act? I could not just scream out the truth, because it would ruin my mom and my brother and probably have me killed. 

I went downstairs and both my parents were there talking, it seemed important.

'Honey, good, you are up! We need to talk about the trial' My mother said hurrying me to a seat

'Good morning to you too'

'Hi, honey, sorry, I'm worried, that is all.'

'You said it would be fine'

'I believe it will, Olivia is the best lawyer there is, she came all the way from Washington to help us out' 

'Good morning, Blue' my father said now because before he hadn't had the chance to speak, I smiled slightly 

'Good morning' I answered, my mother smiled nervously and continued on about the trial

'...So Olivia is gonna be here any minute to talk to you about everything you need to say. She'll also be preparing Dean for the trial because he is a witness.' I just nodded along, understanding how important this is for me, but my worries are somewhere else, the man sitting right in front of me. I eventually looked at him and he would give me the same look he gave last night when he threaten me. I was wondering why he was doing this, he saw me as a threat and yes, I was a threat, the only person that knew what he had done to my mother in the past, or was there anyone else? Anyone else that he had also thrown away? But why was he so consistent on this? He had my grandma killed!

And then I realized it. After we were done, he had to go, so he said goodbye to my mom, I saw it on his eyes how much he cared for her, how much he loved her and he couldn't lose her. That was why. Ant that other person had to be my aunt Solo, she knew about it, didn't she? I had to find her. 

'Blue, Olivia is here' My mother warned me.

I stood up to greet Ms. Pope. She was absolutely stunning. It amazed me and inspired me that a black woman was as successful as she is, the best lawyer there is! She's legend! She was wearing a nice white winter coat and a pair of black heels, her make up was on point and her hair was straighten up. 

'Hello, Ms. Carter' She said offering her hand

'Please, call me Blue' I said greeting her

'Ok, Blue, here's what we are going to do. We only have a week til the trial so we need everything perfect, I believe we can win this'

'Even tho I ran away?'

'Our defense is not that you didn't do it, our defense is saying that you needed to do it so you wouldn't be raped, is that right?'

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