Mating jewels

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[ hi this has smut in just for you Megdykjak I probably could have given it more of there relationship growth but you know here we are]

Technoblade was a piglin hybrid and he didn't hide it. He was a blood thirsty warrior who had a huge obsession with gold.

People believed piglin's were incapable of romantic love considering there violent nature and that was what there books told them. Well I say everyone but to techno's knowledge only he and philza know the truth.

Piglin's can feel love and can be in a relationship but only with one and not even death can change that, courting is the first step of the relationship and very important.

Techno just didn't have anyone suitable on the server as piglin mating was so specific.

Until dream.

God it made the voices go crazy.


Dream has a sexy waist

Can we mate him

He knew he liked dream but didn't think he liked him back so wasn't willing to take the chance.

So when he found dream fainted in the snow blood surrounding him he didn't really know what to do.

He could leave him out to die... yeah no not an option he was very happy with.
Or he could bring him to his house... better option. Sure let's go with that.

So that's how we're here dream on techno's couch all banging up listening to technoblade's explanation of why he's in his house.

"Now that I have explained can you explain why you were bleedin' into the snow by my house" he asked voice monotone as usual.

To be honest dream doesn't actually really remember what happened [aka I'm to lazy to think of a reason] and so he tells techno exactly that.

"Well you have a broken leg so there's no doin' whatever you were till yah better" with that he got up and went upstairs probably to read a book.

For a week dream was bed ridden well technically couch ridden but still and in that time dream and techno became pretty good 'friends' and lots of nights ended with cuddles.

It was a Sunday morning when Technoblade awoke to the smell of some kind of food which was odd considering the only thing he had was a garden of potatoes (which somehow grew perfectly in snow) and some random meat.

So he walked downstairs not really sure what to be expecting and was surprised in more ways then one.

The first being dream not on the couch but in the kitchen cooking.
The second being the food looked amazing though he was not sure what it was exactly.
The third was that dream had wings, wings he was using to move around the kitchen.

And finally forth he was muttering something in some random language techno the man who knows at least a little of each language (something he's quite proud of) doesn't know.

Dream turned around welcome the piglin hybrid before going back to cooking finishing up and putting it on the table. Techno slowly sat down still completely confused and prepared to ask what the absolute fuck was happening but dream answered it before he could answer.

"Oh erm yeah I'm an ender dragon hybrid I wanted to thank you and I'm good at cooking so I used my wings to help me cook you something" dream slid into the seat next to techno passing him a knife and fork to eat.

During eating technoblade decided to ask about the odd language he was speaking although now he knew dream was a ender dragon it was probably some kind of ender language he had never heard of before.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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