The Eyes of the Beholder

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Ahhh...a new chapter.  I have been really trying to keep up and update as quickly as possible.  If you read this tell other's about it.  I need more votes and comments.  Thanks for reading!!!

Chapter 11

“Nikki, I have to apologize to you baby; I haven't been the best boyfriend; I have neglecting you and I feel so bad about it.  I know you understand that I have taken on more cases, but I just want to be able to give you a good life.”

“I just want you to be happy.”

I laughed and just shook my head.  Is he serious?  I don’t want him to work to give me a good life.  I already have a good life.  I have my own job that pays me well; I am free to do what I want to do.  Why would I give that kind of life up? 

“How many times have I told you I don’t want you for your money?  I don’t need to be pampered; I want a husband that spends time with me, going to the movies, art museums, walks in the park.”

“That’s what I want in my life; I don’t care to wear the best clothes, shoes, or purses, and jewelry. I can buy all those things for myself.  Why is it so hard for you to understand how I feel?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not saying that buying you things is the only reason I want you to be with me.  I want to be your husband because I love you.  I have never loved anyone the way that I love you, but you can’t blame me for wanting to give you everything.”

“I know Kevin, but that is all you talk about, giving me things. Let’s just leave it alone and enjoy tonight because I don’t know when we will get another night out.”

“Ok babe, I’m sorry; you’re right we should make the most of our night together.”

We placed our drink order and continue talking about my job, his job and when he will slow down.  The waitress came back with our drinks then we placed the order for our food.  We continued to talk and enjoy each others company. Our food came and I had the lobster bisque and salmon with steamed vegetables.  Kevin ordered steak and shrimp with roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables.

We finished dinner and Kevin ordered a bottle of Cristal and asked for two wine glasses.  I looked at him and he was grinning so hard, I wonder if I should be worried about him.  I have never seen him so excited about anything.  This is scary, I should probably take my shoes off so I can run if I have to.

Kevin poured the champagne in our wine glasses then sat the bottle back in the ice bucket still grinning like a loon.

“Nikki, first just let me say how beautiful you look tonight.”

“Thank you Kevin; you don't look too shabby yourself.”

“You know it’s been hard for me spend time with you like I want to.  My mind is always thinking about you and how much I love you.  I know it doesn't seem like I do, but you have no idea how much I love you and miss you when we aren't together.”

He had his hand in his coat pocket, he took out a blue velvet box. He opened it for me and there was a 4 carat diamond ring with chocolate diamond encasing the diamond on each side. I sat frozen with my mouth hanging open in total shock.  I could not believe my eyes the ring was beautiful.

“Kevin, what is this for?  The ring is beautiful, but what have I told you about buying things for me?  I know you want me to have the best, but I need you to love me, not buy me.”

“Nikki, I-I do love you with all my heart, and this isn’t just any ring.”

Kevin stood up and walked over to where I was sitting and got down on one knee.  I could not believe he was going to propose to me in this restaurant at this very moment. What the hell was he doing? 

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