Closing the Door

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Chapter 39

My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen and saw my father’s phone number pop up.  I was glad to hear from him.  After the whole engagement fiasco, he and my mom called me every other day.  When I told them I was doing good they slacked off, but I’m sure that’s why he is calling to check on his baby girl.

“Hi daddy, how are you.”

"I’m fine how’s my baby girl doing?”

“I’m doing good daddy.  How’s mom?”

“She’s just fine, you know your mother she already gone to the office.”

My parents run their own accounting firm.  They have had their company for over 20 years and they do quite well for themselves.

“Nikki, I have something I need to talk to you about.”

“Ok what is it daddy?”

"I got a call from Kevin last week. He wanted to talk to me, but I didn’t want to get into it over the phone so he said he would come and talk to me face to face about what happened the night of the party.  I didn’t know what to say to him, so I told him that I would see him.”

“He told me he was going to fly out this afternoon and should be to the house around 6pm.  I confirmed and told him that would be fine.”

“Have you spoken to Kevin since the next day after the party?”

“No daddy I haven’t.  I just didn’t want to see him or hear his voice because I might have strangled him.”

“He has called and just this morning he sent me a letter and asked if I would have dinner with him tomorrow.  I haven’t replied and I don’t think that I will.  Every time I think about that night, I just get angry all over again.”

“I understand sweetheart, but after I talked to him I believe he is sorry and he apologized to your mother and me about the whole situation.  I also understand that you have put so much into that relationship and for him to just think that your feelings weren’t important definitely pissed me off and I told him that.”

“Nikki it is up to you if you want to go do dinner and hear him out.  If you don’t think it’s worth it; you should call him and tell him that right now it’s just too soon and you need time to deal with the situation and that at some point you will call him and then you all can talk.”

“Thanks daddy, I knew I could count on you to help me figure out what I should do.  I think I will call him after I hang up with you.  Tell mom I said hello and I will talk to you both later.  I love you daddy.”

“I love you too baby girl.  Bye.”

“Bye daddy.”

After a long day at work, and talking to dad on the way home, I was happy to be home.  I walked in the door and put my purse down heading straight to the kitchen.  I went to get a glass of water, I was so thirsty today. 

I guess I was feeling a bit dehydrated and nauseated, hope I’m not getting sick, it’s that time of the year people come into the ER with colds and the flu. I better start pushing fluids and get more rest to avoid being sick. 

I finished my glass of water and started upstairs so I could shower and relax for a few minutes.

I ran myself a bath with lots of lavender salts.  I stepped into the tub, the water was quite warm but it felt so good to my body.  I slipped down letting the water cover me like a blanket and I instantly felt my body relax.  I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder and it instantly went to Vincent.

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