Here We Go Again

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Chapter 64

 I turned over and the sun was shining extra bright today.  I was about to turn over and try to fall back to sleep when there was a knock at the door.  The door cracked opened and Vincent slipped his head in trying to see if I was still sleeping.  I knew he was up to something, so I pretended to still be asleep. He walked in as quiet as he could and closed the door softly and locked it, then I felt him pull the cover back and slip in and snuggle up to me.  He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. 

I moaned lightly hoping he would continue, but instead he whispered my name in my ear telling me that it was time to wake up and come down for breakfast.  I turned around to face him and he smiled at me and lightly kissed my lips.  I lay there a few more minutes before I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. Vincent grabbed my waist and placed another kiss on my cheek before he unlocked the door and walked out.

 My first stop was at the toilet because my bladder felt like it would explode.  Once I was finished I flushed the toilet and washed my hands before picking up my toothbrush, toothpaste and started brushing my teeth.  I finished brushing then grabbed my washcloth wiped the toothpaste from my lips and washed my face. I turned out the light in the bathroom and headed into the walk in closet and changed into a sundress and a pair of sandals.  I checked myself in the mirror to see if I was at least presentable satisfied with my look I headed downstairs to join everyone else for breakfast.

 I walked down the stairs heading toward the kitchen when I heard two familiar voices talking, but I just couldn’t make out what they were saying.  I moved a little closer to the area that I heard the voices coming from and peeked around the corner and who do I see Demetri and Faatimah standing there discussing how she would get Vincent alone tonight at the party.  I stood there a few more minutes listening and when I heard all I needed to hear I headed on to the kitchen where everyone was sitting already eating.

 As I was listening to those two scheming I decided I would just ignore them because they are both crazy and I refuse to stoop to their level and be seen as the insecure girlfriend.  I don’t have time to deal with Demetri and his games.  I headed on into the dining area where everyone was sitting get ready to eat. 

 “I wondered if you were going to sleep in today, it’s taken you a minute to get down here for breakfast.”

"Aleksandra leave the poor girl alone, you have drug her around town all week I’m sure she deserves to sleep in.  She will probably need to take another week off from work just to recover from this week.”

“Nonsense Xavier, Nikki has enjoyed her stay here.  I wasn’t complaining I know she probably needed a little time for herself and I was just concerned that’s all.”

“Its fine Xavier, I have lots of time to rest after breakfast.”         

“Uh sweetheart, I wanted to take you out for the day since this is our last day here and I really haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with you because my mother decided she wanted to steal you the whole week we are here trying to enjoy a vacation together.”

“Don’t be upset baby; I am glad I had an opportunity to spend time with your mother so we could get to know each other.  You can have me all day today and whatever you want to do is fine with me, so don’t pout.”

After a few moments in walked Demetri and Faatimah come waltzing in looking like the bird that stole the canary.  I could see the look on Xavier and Vincent’s face and they didn’t look very happy to see Faatimah here again after last night.

“Faatimah what the hell are you doing back here this morning?”

“Don’t tell me you aren’t happy to see me Vincent.  Demetri told me that the chef made some amazing french toast and told me to come and have breakfast with the family.  How is everyone doing this morning?”

“Demetri what the hell is wrong with you; why do you continue to entertain this woman and then bring her here while Vincent and his fiancée are here visiting?  What are you up to?  Just a warning son, don’t do something that you may regret in the end.”

“Oh father I remember a time that you couldn’t wait for Faatimah and Vincent to get married.  Now you pretend as though you can’t stand the sight of her.  Let’s be honest, you aren’t really happy about Vincent marrying Nikki because you always wanted him to marry an Italian girl and clearly Nikki is not Italian.”

“Demetri, I suggest that you leave and take that jezebel with you before I throw you both out.”

“Are you sure you want to kick me out; I’m sure everyone would love to hear about what I overheard from your conversation you were having on the phone on Tuesday when I first arrived.”

“Don’t try to use my conversation against me; I have no problem telling my son what I’ve done. I haven’t said or done anything that I am ashamed of.  So if you are finished trying to ruin everyone’s day, please leave.  I can’t understand why you can’t be happy for your brother instead of trying to use this harlot to ruin his relationship with Nikki.  Have you no shame?”

“No father I can’t be happy for my dear brother, but he will see his dear Nikki for what she really is very soon.”

With that Demetri stood up and pulled back the chair for Faatimah to stand and they headed out of the kitchen and we soon heard the door open and close.  It was way too quiet and I was beginning to feel very awkward because no one wanted to approach the elephant in the room, so I asked Xavier what Demetri was talking about.

“Dad you and I are going to have a serious talk when I return, but right now we are going to finish our breakfast so we can get ready to head out and do some sightseeing and shopping, but this is not over.”

“Vincent just let it go, it’s clear that your brother is trying to upset you for whatever reason.  I’m sure what your father did was only for your protection. I understand if it were me I would want to make sure the next woman my son was involved with was nothing like the last one.  I have nothing to hide so I’m ok, because I’m sure my father will do his checking out of you as well.

“Ok well finish your breakfast and then we will grab our things and go out for a while.”

“I’m finished, I am stuffed.  I am gonna have to work out really hard these next few months to get this extra weight off so my wedding dress will fit just right.”

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll help you get rid of those extra pounds if you want me to.  I don’t think you need to lose any weight, you are the perfect size for me.”

“Oh really, but what happens when we decide to have children; that will just pile more weight on me and I don’t want to become a whale.”

“For heaven’s sake Nikki, you aren’t that big, you probably wear a size 14.  That’s not fat, just like my son said you are the perfect size.”

“Italia you’re not supposed to agree with Vincent, us girls are supposed to stick together.”

“I am sticking with you sweetie, but I just feel like you are worrying about your weight too much right now.  Look at me I’m a solid 16 and I love every curve on my body and I know my little Xavie loves them too.”

“Uh mom, I don’t want to hear about your curves and how much my father loves them.”

“Boy please how you think you got here; sure as hell wasn’t a stork that dropped you off.”

Vincent looked at his mother and smirked at her, of course he knows how he was born, he just didn’t want to think about his mother and father that way.

“Let’s go baby before mother tries to teach us about the birds and the bees.”

“Get outta here before I whip you butt for being a smart ass.”

“Mama you know you are the apple of my eye.”

I laughed at Vincent and his mother they are so much fun.  I gave Italia a hug and told her we would be back in time to get dressed for the party tonight.  Vincent kissed his mother’s cheek and we headed out for our day out together.

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