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Rosie ran over to her and where she was an old industrial building.

"Are you okay?" Rosie asked examining her and she seemed to be fine.

Rosie heard footsteps behind her and it was Simon with a knife in hand.

"Simon," Rosie said.

"Call me dad" Simon replied smirking. Rosie folded her arms and sighed.

The day she stopped liking him was the day he beat Zinnia when he was seven for breaking paper money.

"Lovely husband, his loaded"

"Let her go" Rosie pointed at Talia. She wasn't apart of this, it was family business.

"Tell me where your mother is first" Simon demanded but Rosie kept her mouth shut.

Simon was obsessed with her mother, he was always around her and he spied on her.

He hated it when she spoke to other men even though they were married.

"I'm not telling you that, why can't you just move on?" Rosie inquired folding her arms. He never could let things go.

"You're such a-" Rosie started.

"Don't provoke him, Rosie, be smart, he'll hurt you and Talia" her subconscious suggested and Rosie nodded her head.

She needed to be smart if she were to survive.

"My mother is in Phoenix" Rosie lied. She couldn't think of any place so she took the place that Bella from the twilight books use to stay in.

"You're lying and I'm getting really annoyed here" Simon stepped forward. He was going kill her and there was no stopping it.

He held a phone to her and asked her to put her mother's new number in. She put Amelia's number in.

Simon took a picture of the three of them and sent it to her.

"Do you really think my mother still loves you?" Rosie asked as he was about to call Amelia thinking it was Callie.

She needed to stall him for as long as possible.

"We work through our problems you know that" Simon stated.

One thing she hated about her mother is when she forgave Simon every time he hurt her children especially since she's been through the same thing.

Her mother and siblings were abused by her grandfather.

Her grandmother also stayed with him so it wasn't a surprise when Callie did it.

Rosie mourned her grandfather when he died only to find out all the horrible things he did to her grandmother.

She should've picked up on that when her grandfather threw a plate at her for talking too loud.

Even in a wheelchair, he displayed some dodgy behavior.

She almost ran to the cemetery to dig out his remains so that he wasn't buried near her sister Lily.

He was only a few feet away from her Lillys grave. She died when she was eighteen.

"You're a coward and an abuser" Rosie said and just as he was about to hit her, police sirens appeared.

Simon turned away and cursed under his breath. He locked eyes with Rosie before running away.

Rosie bent down and untied Talia. Police swarmed in with guns in hand. Elijah also showed up and Rosie jumped into his embrace.

"How did you find me?" Rosie asked as Elijah held onto her for dear life.

"My mother sent me the picture and this is one of the buildings I own, it's getting rebuilt" Elijah stated and Rosie sighed with relief.

"He got away," a police officer said and she sighed. He was still coming to avenge himself and find her mother.

Whether it be next week or next month. He'll come and he'll strike. Elijah brought Rosie home and everyone couldn't seem to stop holding her.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Amelia said and she hugged Rosie. Rosie could see everyone but her father.

She took her phone out and went upstairs to call her father.

"Hey Rosie"

"Hey, dad where are you?" Rosie asked and she already knew that this was the last time she would see her father this year.

"I can't stay in the same place for too long you know that," Israel said and Rosie felt her eyes swelling up.

Of course, she knew that her father would leave but it always hurt her every time since she gets too attached.

He was always leaving and in some ways, she learned to run from her problems like him.

"Be safe dad" Rosie said.

"I love you," Israel said and Rosie hung up the phone. She sat on the bed and let a few tears out.

Elijah came inside the room and sat next to her.

"Your dad left didn't he?" Elijah asked and he seemed to notice a face was missing.

Rosie decided it would be best not to tell her father about her recent kidnapping of a friend.

She was just glad that Talia was okay.

"Yeah," Rosie said and Elijah hugged her. She really needed this kind of comfort.

She was so worried that everything would just fall apart.

She was worried about her family and friends, what if Simon decided to kidnap another and actually kill them this time.

She couldn't bear the thought of seeing another person she loves get hurt.

"You got Zinnia the ps5 didn't you?" Rosie asked and Elijah laughed. He was guilty as charged.

"How'd you know?"

"I know you"

"Don't be mad okay? It was just a small price for me and that's the cheapest present I've ever given someone beside that journal I got you" Elijah replied and Rosie locked down at her locket and wedding ring.

"How much was this?" Rosie raised her eyebrows and Elijah gave a nervous laugh.

"You don't want to know" Elijah replied and before Rosie could say anything.

He kissed her lightly before taking her downstairs to the worried people.

The girls were the only ones who stayed overnight and they sat in the living room having a girl's night.

Rosie would call Talia to check-in but Talia was long gone on an airplane.

She must have been too scared to stay and Rosie thought it was a reasonable choice. It was scary to live here when a stalker roamed around the streets.

Right now, the safest place for Rosie was her house and Elijah doubled on security. There was no way Simon could get in.

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