Chapter 2

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Today is Saturday, but Build doesn't have any plans to spend the weekend. He thought about spending it with his family but there all out of town coincidentally this weekend. Then, suddenly in the morning P'Mile and Jeff both called him in conference. He was a bit hesitant before picking it up but he picked it up at last . Then they convinced him to spend the evening with them. Build thought they might have something important to talk to him and he also thought they might have arranged something regarding his departure. Yes, Build will be going to US next month everything is ready except a good accomodation there. So, last week he asked Mile and Jeff about this since they have friends in US and also he have only two of them with whom he keeps connection after his sudden disappearance. So he agreed to meet them. P'Mile picked him up and when they arrived at the hotel they met with Jeff in the parking lot . After reaching their floor, Build suddenly notices that something is missing. Jeff says, " Are you okay? Do you want something P'?" 

Build became upset when he understood that his safety knife was missing. " I can't find my knife. I have to find it.  P' Nong you guys wait on our table I'll be back in quick." After that he walked away in desperation to find his knife. It's very important for him because it was a gift from Bible. He can't lose it. On reaching the parking lot he found the knife laying near P'Mile's car . He quickly pick it up, cleaned it and tucked it in his pocket as usual. He then went to the elevator and while going up he was remembering the time he spent with Bible which was the best time of his life.

After reaching the floor he hurriedly went to their table. He saw Mile and Jeff discussing something while standing. " Sorry I have to go to the parking lot but I found it", he said . " That's good. Let's take our seats." Mile said.

When the waiter comes to their table for order, Build is feeling that someone is watching them but can't figure it out properly. He roamed his eyes to other tables then his eyes caught the sight that he wishes to see as well as not . The whole group of BOC artists, P'Pond and some of their managers are seated far away in a group table and the thing made him freeze that all of them are staring at them . But then Build's eyes got stuck with another pair of eyes in which Bui always wanted to lost . But those eyes showed sadness, rage, longing, jealousy and many more mixed emotions.

Mile is calling for Bui a few times to take his order but the other is  lost in something else. While following his way of sight he saw the most unexpected scenario and in the meantime Jeff also noticed the scene.


Hope you like it. Tell me what you guys think.

Next update will be soon.

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