Chapter 10

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Build's Pov

I called P'John for asking him if he is still in hospital.


Someone picked up the call .

"Hello? P'John?"

"He went outside. I will tell him when he comes back."

"Khun Sara? Wait a min"

"What do you want ?"

"Can I talk to you?"

" There is nothing to talk between us."

"Can we meet ? Please "

"Why?" She asked in surprise.

"I want to talk to you about Bible."

She laughed with sarcasm.

"Oh! So now you want to talk . Why ? Why now you want to talk about Bible? Now why you're concerned?" She speaks loudly.

"I'm sorry for not having a conversation with him earlier but I don't want to repeat my mistake. So please Khun Sara meet me for once."

After few seconds silence,she cut the call.

I sighed .


I received a message from an unknown number. I curiously open it.

It's Sara here. Meet me today at 7pm. At Rosary Cafe.

I'm excited to meet her and also afraid that may be I was wrong all the time  and Bible has to suffer for that.

Sara's Pov

When I picked up P'John's phone I didn't saw the caller id. But after hearing his voice, I know that it's Build.

I was trying to keep the convo short but what surprise me that he want to meet me to talk about Bible.

Really!! why now?

I was so pissed off. But idk how I agreed to meet him and texted him to meet me.

I think it's actually good to have proper conversation with him. This is very much needed.

Mile's Pov

Me and Apo came to see Bible. When we went to Bible's ward, we see a girl standing near the window while holding the phone and immersed in deep thought.

I remember her. She is the one we saw with Bible on his and Build's supposed date day. So she is...

Before I can say anything, "Who are you?" Apo asked her.

She was startled by our sudden appearance.

"Oh! Hello I'm Bible's cousin Sara."

"Oh! So you're that cousin he talked about. It's nice to finally meet you." I just pretend that I don't meet her earlier.

I extend my hand for shake and she gladly accept it. And that very moment I can feel someone glaring at me.

I just wrapped my around Apo's waist and give him a smile. He tried surpress his smile but I know he can  never be mad at him after I give him my killer smile.

Suddenly a question came to my mind.

"Sara? Do you know Build?"

And her expression changed to something grave.

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