Chapter 8

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Build's Pov

When gain consciousness, I saw that I'm on a hospital bed and Mick was lying on the couch. He might be sleeping.

I got down from my bed. Firstly I felt dizziness but after sometime I felt okay and walked out of the room.

Room- 33

I'm now standing in front of the room. This is Bible's room.

I tried to reach for the door knob but I am sacred. My hands are shaking.

Suddenly,the door open a nurse came out. " Are you his relative?" She asked. I just nodded.

" You should go inside,though he is in coma but it'll help in his betterment if he's loved one stay by his side. " She said.

"Loved one's. Does he ever really love me?" I thought.

" He'll be alright,be strong. Give as much love as you can and try to talk to him." She said and patted my shoulder.

After she walked away, her words sink in my mind.

"Give as much love as you can"

I love him and the only thing matters now is Bible's well being. He need me and I can't be selfish now. Maybe he doesn't love me  but I love him and that will be enough to stay by his side until he gets better.

I gather my courage and twisted the door knob.

In the middle of the room there is a bed. On the bed Bible is lying,his eyes are closed. Numerous tubes and some machines are attached with him.

His face is very pale. He have bandages on his arms and legs. He also has a bandage on his head.
He seems fragile and extremely weak.

Tears started to blur my vision. I tried to control my tears but I can't.

After sometime I regain my composure and sit on the chair near his bed.

I slowly stretch my hand and hold his hand. My heart breaks when I don't feel the familiar warmth I felt whenever I hold his hand.

I tighten my grip on his hand. I want to share the warmth of my hand so he can feel my presence.


Apo barged in the room. I quickly sush him. His loud voice will disturb Bible.

Can he hear us?

As if Apo knows what I'm thinking, he said " He can hear us. But please don't disappeared on us. We are so sacred when we couldn't find you. "

"Sorry I didn't mean to worry you guys." " It's okay, you should stay here and try to talk to him. "

Apo came closer squeezed my shoulder in assurance and say, " He loves you Bui. Just know this don't ask anything. Just trust my words and show him your love for him. I bet this moron can come back from death if you tell him. He can do anything for you."

I glared . How can he say such thing? And what does he try to say that Bible loves me?

But one thing I promised that time I will pour all my love for you Bible if you came back I promise I will give you chance to explain and will try understand your situation.

3rd Person Pov

Later that night Bible's older brother came. His parents don't know about this since they're out of town . John, Bible's brother don't want to inform them for now. He was so much devastated at first , but somehow calm down.

That night Build didn't leave Bible's side for a minute, cause doctor inform during his last visit that this night if Bible starts responding to the medicine there will be a chance of his awakening. But if he doesn't then it can be life risk.

Next morning, Bui woke up because of some noises ,when his eyes  adjusted with the sun light .

He saw doctors and nurse coming in and going,they are saying something as if discussing something. A doctor is checking Bible.

The tormenting thoughts coming to Bui's mind. He again started panicking.

Bui can't even asked the doctor what's happening. He is afraid of doctors answer.

Suddenly, a nurse came to him . This is the same nurse who talk to him outside of Bible's cabin.

"He is alright. Don't worry. He had seizure earlier but now he is stable. And the good news is he started responding to the medicines." She patted my shoulder.

Build's Pov

After hearing the news from the nurse , I collapsed on the couch. Suddenly I feel like a heavy burden is removed. I felt so tired.

Last night was restless. How can I sleep when the love of my life is fighting with death?

Don't know from where , suddenly Mick came in and tell me to come outside. At first I reluctant to go but he kind of forced me to go out .

" What happened why you dragged me outside?" "Build?" Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.

"P'John!" " You should freshn up and go have some food. I assume you didn't eat from last night."

"He didn't eat for the whole day." Mick added. I glared to him.

"Don't glare. Go and eat something. Don't worry I am staying with Bible. "

I don't protest anymore. He is Bible's brother he was also worried about his brother. I just nodded and let Mic drag me to the hospital cafetaria.

After eating something, Mick started to nag me  to go home and freshn up. After some nagging he somehow convinced me.

I thought before going, for just once I should visit Bible and also inform
P'John that I'm leaving for sometime to freshn up.

When  I reached near Bible's room , I again met with that nurse . " Oh you're here. Someone went in to visit him." " Oh! Where's his brother?" " He just go out. Idk where he go."

" Ok thank you so much" She smiled at me and left.

I pushed the door went in the room.A girl was sitting on the chair while holding Bible's hand. But something is familiar.

" Excuse me. Sorry but who are you?"

Because of my  sudden appearance she startled and jolted up from her seat and turn to me.

" Oh I'm...pause....Build? You're the one whom Bible was talking about?" She seemed shocked and her eyes widened.

Who is she?

Can you guess?


Hope you like it. Tell me what you guys think.

Next update will  be late. I have my exams coming up so , I may not able to update soon.  Please wait na. Love you guys.


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