Chapter 13

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How could do this to me?

You lied to me.....

I hate you.....

I can't live with you anymore.... don't hate me... Bible...

Don't leave me ........


Biu....Biu...Build wake up

Build opened his eyes while panting.

Bible is looking at him with utmost concern.

What happened Biu?

Huh.. nothing... Bad dreams ig

Oh okay don't worry baby, I'm here with you .❤️

Build looked at Bible and smiled and lean to give him a kiss on his lip.

Bible immediately respond to the kiss.

But in the mind Build know what he feared for.



That day in the hospital when Bible woke up from coma ,he almost lost his memories.

Some fragments of his childhood and teenage memories he could remember.

At first he couldn't even recognise his family, after sometime he remembered his parents and brother but he couldn't recognise others.

He also forgot Build and their story.

At first , Biu couldn't believe it but when he stood before Bible and he just smiled at him and asked,

"I'm sorry, but who are you? Are you known to me?"

Build's heart shattered into pieces but he quickly regained himself and said, " yes , I am one of your close friends."

Bible was so upset that he couldn't remember his friends.

Build assured him that it's okay nothing is more important than his well being.

From that day Build determined that since God took away all the beautiful memories they shared earlier as his punishment for being a irrational person towards Bible.

And as well as took away those awful times they had faced as a blessing to show his love and care for Bible.

After knowing the whole truth Build was remorseful but now he took this opportunity to make Bible's life better.

Biu hoped that it will be the new start of their relationship as friend.

In last 10 years, many things happened.

Bible and Build become friends again.

And because of Bible's situation, Bible and his family moved to NYC

And Build accompanied them.

After 2 years,one day Bible suddenly proposed Biu to be his boyfriend.

Though, Biu and everyone was shocked but he immediately accepted his proposal.

And then surprisingly, on their 3rd anniversary Bible again proposed Biu for marriage and Biu again accepted proposal immediately.

In these years, everything was not beautiful.

They go through many ups and downs but they were together in every situation.

But, Bible still can't remember their past , Biu afraid that if someday Bible remember their past or get to know about it.

Then he will hate Biu and will left him.

Present Time

In the dinning table Bible suddenly asked Biu,

" Btw, honey why are you screaming my name and telling me not to leave?"

Biu was panicked.

Bible noticed the sudden change in Biu .

" Hey, are you alright? I'm sorry for bringing up about the bad dream?"

Bible went near Biu hugged him.

That moment Biu realised that he couldn't keep this secret forever.

He had to trust his love for Bible and need to tell him the truth.

Build hold Bible's hand and said,

" I'll give you my diary which you always want to read. Read it. Understand it. Then decide. I'll be going out for some shopping on return if I see you here, I will understand that finally I able to get your love."

Bible stood there with no expression.

Build went to their bedroom and bring the diary and handed over to Bible.

When , he tried to walk past Bible , Bible hold his wrist.

"Don't need to go anywhere. Thank you for telling me the truth. And I'm sorry for reading your diary without your consent."

Biu was shocked,

"You know everything. When did you read it?"

" Last year, when you went out with Apo because he and P'Mile were fighting. That day , I have nothing to do in house so I thought to do the laundry . While collecting your shirts , suddenly your diary fell in front of me. And you know how much curious I'm about your diary. Soooo, I read it. I'm sorry."

Bible said this with a guilty voice.

"It's okay, I am not angry with you. But, do you remember anything what you read?"

"Actually, no I couldn't but everything you wrote  is unknowingly seems familiar to me . But, you know what I don't care about the past anymore. I'm so happy with you for these last 10 years. I trust you and I know how much we love eachother. "

Bui's eyes became fill with waters.

Bible immediately pull him in his lap and hugged him tightly, while showering him with little kisses on his neck .

" Hey, I love you and I know you love me too. I'm happy to be your husband. I know why you sacred to tell me about those things but listen to me very carefully no matter what situation we're in I'm with you by your side always and forever."

Biu with teary eyes said, " I love you , hubby." And tighten his hug.

Bible smiled at his cute husband and kissed him passionately.

The kiss grow more heated .
This is the kiss of assurance, love,trust and promises they made with eachother.

Bible picked up Biu and walked towards their bedroom.

That night again two soul become one with no lies, no secret , no fear.

And we wish atleast in this au they lived happily ever after without any chaos.


Author's Note

I thought to write another chapter but ig this chapter will enough to end this story. So, this is the end .

If guys want to say something, please feel free to comment.

Love  you guys.


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