Part 6 - The Potion

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Lantana traversed the now unfamiliar halls. She didn't know why, but she felt that Violet needed to be on this mission, she needed to come with them. So, she was off to see her friend Eardwulf, the wizard. She was still unfamiliar with the Southern parts of the castle, and even though it took her slightly less time to find the wizard this time around, she still got lost and needed to ask for help. Eventually, she reached the Southeastern Tower and climbed the spiral staircase up into the wizards' tower room. When Lantana knocked and entered, she saw him rummaging through shelves most probably looking for ingredients. The wizard turned to look at his visitor and his face softened at the sight of Lantana.

"Ah hello princess! What can I do to assist you today?"

"I need another potion. I know, I feel that every time I come to you, it's to ask for your services," she paused for a second, and the wizard made a motion telling her to continue "I think you are aware of the condition my friend is in. I need her assistance, but she still isn't well enough to come and help me. I need a healing potion. And a strong one at that,"

The wizard pursed his lips and Lantana didn't like the expression on his face.

"Well... I can make the potion... but the thing is... I need Cherub berries, and those come from the Northern regions and the mountains. I do not have any currently, and it would take weeks, if not months to get my hands on some more,"

He genuinely looked sorry and Lantana felt bad, but she needed Violet, and she didn't know how much longer this journey could wait.

"Are you sure there's no other way you can get it! This is really urgent!" She cried out frantically.

"Well... I know a dealer... but he doesn't give in quickly, and he charges high,"

"Please! I'll give you everything you need! I need this potion though!"

Eardwulf nodded.

"I'll send a letter immediately. I heard that he is in Virago, so come back in three days time to hear whether I can obtain some of the berries,"

Lantana sighed, but she knew it was the fastest way to heal Violet. She nodded once to Eardwulf and exited. On the way back to her room, she popped into the apothecary to visit Violet. She was fast asleep though, so Lantana solemnly walked back to her room. The next few days seemed to drag on forever. There was still no update about her fathers' position and she was worried sick. And she still had all the Royal duties to tend to. Finally, finally, when the evening of the third day came, she rushed back to visit Eardwulf. She frantically knocked on the trapdoor and heard a muffled "Come in!"

She rushed into the wizards' room and saw him facing her.

"Princess. So I carry both good news and bad news,"

"The good news?" She asked

"I am able to get my hands on some Cherub berries,"

"That's wonderful!" Exclaimed Lantana. "But..." she furrowed her brows. "What's the bad news?"

The wizard but his lip and the next sentence he said was barely audible to Lantana.

"They dealer asks for a price of six-hundred gold coins as they are not in season currently and are very hard to obtain otherwise,"

"Six-hundred though! Do you not think that is a bit overpriced!"

"Yes, yes I do. But there is nothing we can do. The dealer shall always ask for extreme prices, and I'm afraid the only thing we can do it pay up,"

Lantana sighed but agreed nonetheless.

"I can go and get the coins from the treasure room right now. When is the soonest you can get these berries?"

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