Part 16 - The Dragon

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Stepping out of the portal into the clearing once more, Lantana looked around to see Gabriel, Violet, and the portal that Harper had gone in. Then, Odorata emerged from behind her, with a very shocked expression on her face.

"What... what was that!" She cried out, once she was sure of the solid ground beneath her feet once more.

"It was a portal," Lantana quickly explained, "But, we're going to fight... a dragon I believe, and we really need help. Are you up for it?"

"I honestly don't feel I have a choice, do I?" She chuckled, glancing over her shoulder at the empty space where the portal had once been. "Not that I mind though. I said, a change of environment was needed, and I strive to help you out dear,"

"Thank you," Was all she said.

And, she meant it. She wanted to thank Odorata for everything, everything she had done, and everything she may do to continue to help Lantana. She felt that she was sacrificing so much for her, even when they just met, and those two simple words, no matter how hard she tried to make it sound genuine, they could never show how much she was actually grateful for Odorata's help. For everything. Suddenly, behind her Lantana sensed some commotion going on. Spinning on her heels, she turned around to see Harper, and... the boy wizard with her. Eardwulf. Be was quickly stuffing more brightly colored bottles into a satchel while running our of the portal at the same time. She couldn't fight the smile that worked its way onto her face.

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If Gabriel's suspicions were correct, which they probably were, they had quite the obstacle to complete in a moment. But, they had been discussing plans for over an hour, and were all certain that their plan was about to work out. Assessing all their materials, objects were handed out due to ability level, and certain tasks were given to others. Gabriel had obviously taken his sword, and everyone decided he was probably best with the  daggers as well. Eardwulf seemed to have some prior knowledge to the stick thing Lantana had picked up, so that went to him. Lantana took the enchanted sword, and Harper took the bow. Both Violet and Odorata were left weaponless, but with their powers, everyone decided this should probably be alright. Even with their plan, even all equipped with many, powerful weapons, Lantana still couldn't help but worry. But, there was no reason to continue to stall. Gabriel had switched over to general mode, but was droning on and on about seemingly pointless topics. Lantana's mind was wandering, instead going over the many possibilities, but she was abruptly taken out of her hypothesizing when Gabriel suddenly shouted out her name drawing her to attention.

"Lantana! Were you even listening!" He glowered.

Wincing under his gaze, she decided it would do them both better to tell the truth.

"No..." She quietly said, not wanting to face his anger.

As suspected, he took a deep breath and started talking in a slow, yet aggressive voice.

"Let me explain one more time. If there is a dragon, which there probably will, every singular person gets their own task. We need to first find the weak spot, which is should have. Even then, Harper and I will attempt to blind it by stabbing out the eyes. The druid will try to hold its attention, make sure it focuses on anything but us. The wizard seems to have multiple potion bottles that can strengthen us, weaken the dragon. Once the weak spot is identified, Violet conjures a portal and everyone shall attack it at once. Do not engage until this moment. I don't know what your sword does, but I believe you should know how to wield one, and can hit the dragon if the time comes to it. Understood princess?" He asked her, drawling on the last word.

Lantana nodded, as she had no other option, but inside, anger coursed through her bones. He had no respect for any one of them, not even bothering to call most by their names, as if he had ever bothered to learn them. She just exasperatedly nodded her head, but attempted to listen to the finale of his speech.

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