Part 25 - The Maker

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Let's settle down for a moment, shall we? We've seen Lantana's tale, the incredible journey she's taken, and the distress, despair, and war to follow. We've seen a much stronger, wiser, but broken character emerge. We've seen the highs and lows, the words spoken whether in vain or for good. But, this is where we start to differ. You see into the perspective of one, possibly a trifling more. You do not see through the eyes of everyone walking the precious Earth, you do not feel their happiness, sadness, or pain as vividly as I can. You cannot see into our future and the future of all that will continue to mold this world, or the futures of others.

Let's not get off track though. If we look down into Lantana's world, we see them beginning to march into war, the Hell gods on their side.


Lantana was marching into war yet again. She remembered the first time, was it weeks, or months ago? The days had blended lethargically, and the pressure that had built up seemed to make time stretch. Gabriel's original plan of reforming the army while the war was fresh in their minds was put into place, and he drew up new plans and divided their troops based on the numbers they still had. They had lost a third of their people, both soldiers and mages combined, whether they had been lost or quit.

The members they had left were brave souls, ones who would die defending the kingdom. They were scarred but united for a common cause. Whether it had nothing left to fight for than his country, a youngling eager for the opportunity to rise. A weathered soldier, one willing to die for the kingdom, or a courageous mind.

They were the ones to forever leave a mark on Virago's legacy, only fueled by the loss they had already experienced.

"You all stand here for one cause, and that is to bring peace to our kingdom. Whether you live or die, you will be the ones to shape our future and go down in history as the ones to stand up against the gods. Whether it be today, months, or even years from now when we emerge victorious, it will happen, and one day we will see the light as it shines down on our free, war-ridden country. You have come from all corners of the kingdom, and you already stand stronger than the ones who have left. We give them the acknowledgement, but you know who those people are?" Gabriel paused for a moment, surveying the marching army. "They. Are. Cowards. Ones who looked death in the eyes, and fled. Ones who weren't ready and weren't willing to sacrifice. You are the ones to outline the path to a better tomorrow, but that will never happen if we don't take the opportunity and seize it."


They do have quite a nice general, don't they? Gabriel Blackthorne is certainly a peculiar soul, but his story shall remain untold until another day. There is no doubt that he is skilled at what he does. He has led a rag-tag army to victory only under the leadership and talent he can help provide them. His story is quite an unfortunate one, but as I said, one for the next time we may meet.

Now, you may be wondering who I am. I'm almost completely sure- scratch that. I am certain you heard Lantana christen me as 'The Maker'. We can stay by those terms. I am the one who wove together this universe, who created the past, present, and future. I know all and see all, and I gave life to every plant, human, or god who ruled over the precious land. I see the disasters that will be coming in the future, the hope and goodness that will settle after. Of course, it's nearly impossible for me to monitor all of this at the same time. When I settle on someone, it means that they're very... let's call them very special. Lantana felt this earlier, and as with all the others of the past. Whenever I'm watching, I want to make sure that the events to follow will be quite... revolutionary.


Lantana watched as their soldiers charged into battle. Their formation slightly differed, yet the technique was very similar. It seemed to be the only thing to work, so why both change it even aside from the massacre? That was nearly beyond their control, and this time even though their numbers were fewer, they had many more powerful assets.

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