Part 17 - The Ritual

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I shouldn't have hesitated. It shouldn't have played out like that. All because of her.

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Violet's calculations were a little off. But, that almost made it better in a way. We had finally returned home, after months of travel. Back home. To Virago. Lantana hasn't remembered about the climate in her northern Kingdom, and after months of comfortable warmth, the snowflakes that now nipped at her skin were an unwelcome sign. And, almost all of them were severely underdressed for the frigid temperatures. But, she had teleported them outside the castle instead of inside the Main Hall, allowing them to see their home castle in its full might. The soaring towers, turrets and gargoyles that lined the roofers. Tens upon hundreds of rooms, and Lantana almost thought she could make out the balcony connected to her room. The looming walls, and massive garden, that was always a welcome time in the spring and summer months of the year, in which people were always hustling around doing one thing or another. But now, there was no one in sight, probably all huddled inside the warm walls of the castle, or desperately trying to coax warmth out of their hearth at their homes. Lantana was so glad to be home, but she knew that there would be much consequence for their long period of absence, and who knows how badly their situation had escalated from there.

"Let's proceed then, shall we?" She asked them.

She looked over to her accomplices, who stood next to her. They had traveled for months together, and they had all changed throughout that time. They now stood stronger, prouder than when they had originally left. But, as much as she did not want to admit it, an even bigger fight was probably in the distant future. Now though, they had to face the threat, try to contain it before it spun out of control and destroyed everything they had ever known. Slowly, she realized her feet were starting to pull her forward, toward the main entrance of the castle. Then, one foot moved in front of the other, and she started moving toward her... home. After so many months, she finally had a place to call home again. A place that she could finally rest, finally rely on. Even though there would be so that she would have to catch up, the fact of having a warm, satisfactory meal, a warm bed to sleep in, even if it was for one night before it was all ripped away again. She walked toward the looming front doors of their castle. It had been decided to not position anyone outside as that would be plain cruel in the cold winter. But, a shiver ran up her spine, and it wasn't due to the cold weather. Staring up at the looming doors, tremendous wooden doors that stretched the entire length of the wall, she was only reminded of the giant doors at the facility, a location that had changed all their lives. She still had yet to discover if this was for the best. She reached out a shaking hand, and grasped the large brass knocker that would alert the guards inside the castle that there was company on the other side. The metal was cold to the touch, colder than the air outside. But, she gripped it firmly, and drew her hand back as far as it would allow. Shaking, she hesitated for a second before she threw the knocker forward, and it took another second for it to collide with the door. A loud clang resonated through the still air, and it didn't take long before the door peeked open, revealing the comforting sight inside. The grand hallway bathed in a golden glow that looked both warm and inviting. And, there were two guards standing by the door, guarding from any intruders or unwanted visitors, but there to help in visitors such as their group at the moment. The guard who had opened the door looked shocked upon seeing Lantana, as if he couldn't believe the sight that was in front of his eyes. His eyes were big round orbs, full of faith and hope. But then, he surveyed the rest of the group, and once his sight landed upon Gabriel, he straightened his posture, and greeted them in a more formal way.

"Princess and... company. Welcome home,"

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