Part 24 - Confrontation

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"Your majesty," Tomas spoke as he entered the Red Parlor.

Lantana gave him a nod, yet kept herself deliberate. The Red Parlor, akin to its name, bore furnishings that all were concerned with the color red. Plush carpets tainted a deep red with short couches and chairs the color of blood designated for rest. The walls were painted a pale pink, and the tables that littered the room were made of reddish-brown wood. A red brick fireplace rested on one wall, and immense wall-to-floor windows were suited on the rest of the walls. Rich red curtains draped them, and as a finishing touch, a large golden chandelier hung from the roof, one of the only objects in contrast to the balance of the room.

Even though their surroundings looked comforting, Lantana didn't want to give the impression that they were to settle down for a nice chat and some tea. The life of their kingdom could come out of this conversation.

Motioning to a chair adjacent to her, Tomas quickly took a seat. She could see it in his eyes, and the way he held himself that he was very nervous of what this meeting would hold. His posture was upright and very tense, and his hands kept twitching. His eyes flickered around the room looking for something to look at instead of Lantana herself.

"Tomas. You know there's no point in trying to avoid me when it's only the two of us in the room," she addressed him, trying to soften her tone to relate to him.

His eyes moved toward Lantana, but she could still sense the disquiet that rustled inside him. In a time like this, being called to meet with the queen would not be a positive event. Not a positive event at all.

"I know you're nervous. You're not in trouble." The twitch in his hand ceased, yet his posture was still pencil-straight, rigid. "I need your assistance. Have you ever met my father?"

"Once but-"

She cut him off, not allowing the boy to start making excuses. "How well versed do you believe yourself to be with the gods?"

"W-well I, uhm, I mean I study them occasionally," he stammered.

That'll have to be enough. She quickly thought.

"Many weeks ago, you informed me of a ritual to summon the gods. Yet, I feel that there is another method that can be used, as I've seen my father use it in flashbacks. I do not care for how taxing it may be, but all I desire is the quickest method to come in contact with them."

His eyes widened in shock as Lantana's narrowed. Tomas quickly took a breath and quieted himself down. It was as if Lantana had stumbled across some secret or affair that she was not meant to be a part of.

"What are you hiding from me? You know it's treason to hide secrets from your queen." Lantana snapped out.

The boy's face blanched, and Lantana felt the same had happened to her.

When did I ever become this rude?

Seeing the pure fear on the boy's face, guilt twisted up inside Lantana, and she quickly uttered an apology. "I-I didn't mean that. I won't punish you, but I would prefer an answer." Once again, the boy took quick breaths to calm himself down, and once composed he responded to Lantana.

"They can always hear us," Tomas's tone was so small and quiet, she could barely make out his sentence. After a moment, he advanced. "The gods, I mean. A very minor god, Ikthan, is the one tasked with listening to us mortals. They hear everything whether it be as minor as the day's harvest, or as major as war. If the problem is deemed worthy, Ikthan will relay the message to the gods concerned, and they will deal with the matter."

Formulating about the new information, Lantana did realize that it made sense. The blessing of serenity the day before the war. Tales of common folk being struck down as they cursed the gods' name.

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