Part 20 - Beacons Through the Shadows

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It had taken a while, but eventually, Lantana had found the house she was searching for. The people she heard were truthful and she immediately knew the house upon sight. It was quite a beautiful house, that almost could be considered as a manor if it was the slightest bit larger. The people who resided in it were obviously very wealthy, probably successful merchants, or as she suspected, masters in the magical world. They had put a lot of time and effort into the garden, bushes sculpted into magnificent designs of beasts, exotic flowers, trees, and buds that were scattered around and decorated their terrace. And then, there were other things she couldn't comprehend. Plants that almost looked as if they were floating, huge, magnificent blossoms. The only conclusion she was able to make was that the beautiful vegetation was all supported by magic. How they were all in full bloom coming out of the cold, harsh, winter, and how they looked larger than life and just absolutely enchanting.

Treading up the front walk, she could feel the life radiating all around her. She was reminded of Odorata's abilities, and wondered where the friendly druid was now. The path wound up to an elegant oak door with designs that looked burned into the surface. Spirals and curls wrapped around the surface, and she wondered how they could have achieved such a feat. Lantana quickly rapped on the door thrice, and she heard footsteps coming from inside the house. A young lady, who only looked a few years older than her, answered the door. If she was wealthy, Lantana wouldn't have been able to see it from the way she dressed. Her hair was tied up in a long, thick, braid, but she dressed in the brown and gray rags of a peasant. The only hint toward her potential background was the ornate necklace perched around her neck. A huge gemstone was embedded in the middle, one that had a green hue that made her suspect it was an emerald. Similar designs such as those that decorated the door were also included on the necklace, but then there were small tendrils of metal that curled off the pendant. It looked as if it was a portal to another dimension, one surrounded by ghastly white vines, the emerald being an unknown vortex. She was quickly snapped out of her daze when the woman spoke.

"Princess Lantana! To what do I own your acquaintance?"

Lantana felt as if she had noticed her admiring the necklace, as she slid it under her shirt in a swift move.

"I have heard that you are helping our cause by allowing magic users to dwell on your soil, that you are assisting them in establishing their abilities, and to be able to use their powers productively. If it is not too much of a burden, I request to be able to see your establishment." She finished her sentence with a smile and any anxiety she may have felt for this meeting vanished in a second when the lady returned it.

"Well, of course, come on right in princess! Me' name's Ellen, but most people around here call me El."

She called out behind her, as she started to walk down a brightly lit wooden hallway. Lantana was short to follow, and entered into their household. Candles hoisted in brackets were the main source of light, but a huge crackling fireplace was lit in a lounge-like area. It burned merrily along, and the pleasant scent of burning logs filled the entire home. Lush carpets decorated the floors while tapestries that stretched from the ceiling, only coming short of touching the ground adorned the walls. There were also large windows, but the curtains were currently drawn, blocking any unwanted passerby to look into their home. And of course, just like the outside, the interior of the home was brooding with life. Huge potted plants proudly showed off lush, full blooms, and carved into the stone mantelpiece and walls were pictures of ivy, and flowers, giving the illusion of the vines creeping up, and slowly taking over the house in a slow, natural process. But, the unusual thing was the lack of people. She had heard that they were helping magic users get settled, and allowed them to habit in their quarters. She expected individuals to be roaming around the house, or at least a meeting of sorts to be happening. El must have noticed Lantana's confusion, yet she laughed heartily, and continued to lead her along. Their house was very large, but it seemed that there was no activity in it at all. Lantana suddenly started to fret, wondering if it was such a good idea to do this after all. Then, El started doing something... strange.

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