Part 11 - The Sea

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Lantana loved the sea. Just as she had originally thought, it stretched on for miles, and no one was there to take her away or tell her what to do. She was free, for the first time in her life.The endless sea waves always danced around the boat, and sometimes, she thought she saw wildlife playing around in the water. Even though she enjoyed the water, tensions on the boat were high. Something had happened between Gabriel and Violet in the time that she was recovering so they were avoiding each other. Then Gabriel was mad at Lantana because it was completely her fault for getting injured and setting them back at least a week. Even though it was partially her fault, at least in her eyes, she didn't feel that she deserved this level of neglect. Thankfully, like Violet had said, the crew was wonderful. Surprisingly, they were almost all women too. Lantana didn't mind though, and preferred the change. Lantana enjoyed their company, and had immediately hit it off with the Captain, Reyna Lockland. She was a lively woman, and commandeered over her crew with ease. She had the respect, and loyalty of her crew, and every time she gave an order, it would be carried out immediately with little to no flaw. With the help of everyone else, Lantana was able to pick up some tips allowing her to help out in the boat. Violet and Gabriel seemed natural in the boat, but slowly, Lantana was learning how to tie knots, configure their speed, and determine their route by the wind or stars. All was well until one horrifying night. Lantana wasn't sure how it started, or how one little event had caused so much destruction, but that was the night where their whole journey was put into jeopardy, and almost everything was ruined.

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Everything started out fine. It had been a mediocre couple weeks without many events happening on the ship. On the bright side though, everything seemed to be in their favor. No storms, dangerous sightings, or encounters with enemy vessels. Of course, something was bound to stir up, and boil over. It all started at supper. Even the meal was good. All the fresh supplies had to be used up before it spoiled or went stale, and the chef had outdone herself that night. Roasted chicken, with boiled vegetables to go around. Lantana was seated about three quarters down the vast table, happily chatting with some members of the crew.

"At about six this mornin', I swear I saw a family o' dolphins. Most o' y'all weren't up yet, was certainly a sight!"

"Was too hot fer me likin'... hope it cools down soon,"

Lantana just smiled and added in comments whenever she felt needed. She had spent most of the day below deck helping with boat repairs, so anything she said round had no reverence at this point in the conversation. Just as an uncomfortable silence was starting to fall over them, there was some commotion at the other end of the table. When Lantana glanced over, she saw a glowering Gabriel, scowling at an equally upset Violet. They had both raised their voices, but some people still hadn't caught in, and Lantana couldn't hear them over the clatter of silverware and the sound of several voices ringing through the hall. Lantana craned her neck to get a better view, but, apparently, that was unnecessary. In a second, Gabriel had produced a wicked looking dagger from who knows where, and had pushed up from his seat brandishing it at Violet. At this point, everyone noticed, and the hall fell silent.

"I. Will. Give. You. One. More. Chance," he spit out between gritted teeth. "Do. Not. Dare. Talk. About. Me. That. Way,"

Violet now, obviously extremely offended, responded in an equally strong tone.

"And what makes you better than everyone else? What makes you superior to everyone else? WHAT MAKES YOU SO SPECIAL!" She shouted, ending in an outburst.

A second passed in silence. Then, with an eerie smirk, Gabriel continued.

"Time. Practice. Skill. Power. Ability. Intuition. Judgment. Sense. Wit," He replied, seemingly reading things off a list that only he could see. "Oh, and most important. Influence," His voice now dropping an octave, and the grin disappearing off his face, and eyes hardening. "People do not mess with me without consequence. If they're lucky... they might still leave with certain factors still... secured. If not, oh... I dunno...,"Now, his tone taking off a bored tone. "Maybe they end up with... this knife stuck into their backs," he replied, chillingly calm.

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