★6. Forever?.. ★

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Purpeld pov:

"LIZZIE"I waited for an answer (Liz was short for Lizzie ykk?) " WHAT" "FOOD IS READY" I heard her run down the stairs, Lizzie loved food very much, I gave her a plate whit her food on it, "Soooo hows the love life? " she smirked "good, I have a boyfriend" she got stars in her eyes as I said the word 'Boyfriend' "CAN I MEEEETTTTT HIMMMMM" she looked at me, "Um if you want..? " she nodded multiple times and I let out a giggle and called Tommy.

"hey babe"
"hey what's wrong? "
"My best friend wanted to meet you, is that alright? "
"yes ofc I'm comming where are you guys? "
"oh my house, she lives whit me"
"okay omw love you! "
"Love you too! "
*Call ended*

I walked into the kitchen again to see Lizzie washing her plate, "He's comming" she nodded and went to the couch, "How is he? " she looked at me "His name is Tommy and is 5ft 11" she looked at me "Bro what- WHY SO TALL?" I laughed "I don't know" I heard the door bell ring.

"Tomss"I fell into Tommy's arms and he hugged me, "Holy fvck ur tall" Lizzie said in the background like an little child, "Well um thanks..? " we all burst out laughing,I let Tommy in and we sat on the couch, "Sooo anyone wants to party? " I looked at lizzie, "Why" I asked her "I don't know, I wanna party:((((" Tommy and I giggled, "Okay, then let's change" me and Lizzie nodded and she ran up to her room to change, "my clothes will be too small for ya, maybe you can get punzs clothes" he nodded and I got some clothes from punzs and gave it to him.

We all were ready and drove off, "Next time I drive! " Lizzie said, "Yea h3ll no, I wanna live" she rolled her eyes,
"we're here" I parked the car and we entered, "Fvck yeah, I wanna get drunk af"she ran off to the kitchen,
" Well what do we do? " I looked to Tommy, "Drink? " he looked away from me, he took my hand and we went to the kitchen, "here" he gave me a shot "Oh.. No no I don't drink" I placed the shot on the table, "Then I take it" he took it and drunk it.

After a while Tommy was fully drunk, "Tommy..? " he was no where to be found, maybe he was at the car or something, I walked out the door, "Tom-" I stopped at what I saw, I ran to the car tears came down my face.
I drove home and didn't cared if they come, or how they get home I just wanted to be away from everything.

I drove to a flower field whit many white and blue flowers,and I saw two people sitting at the tree, "Hey..?"
They both looked at me, "Oh hello, what's wrong? You look like you have been crying" on brown haired guy stod up and walked to me, "Oh.. Really? " they nodded, as the other stod next to the guy, "What y'alls names? " I looked at them, wiping the tears of my eyes, "Oh I'm Karl,and that's sapnap! " he smiled and took his hand, "Cool I'm purpeld" I smiled at them, and we talked about stuff and got to know each other better, I found out they both were dating and living together.

"it's pretty late, I guess I go home" I looked at them and they nodded, "See ya purp" karl screamed as I walked to my car, I looked at the pretty white flower and took it, it reminds me of tommy as we first met,but now, I don't want anything to do with Tommy.

As I entered the house it was complete silence you could only hear the door shut, I walked into the kitchen, and thought of something. I ran to my room and got my stuff, I ran out the front door and locked it, "They have a spare key"
And when not, it's they're fault. I walked to my car and thought of something I always wanted to do.... Leave the country.

As I had that in mind my car started heating, I started the car and drove to wali for a bit.

"hey wali.. " wali looked at me "Is it..? " I nodded and he hugged me, it was raining and I was fully wet,
"so you gonna leave again..? " I nodded at him, "He-" I started sobbing again,"He made out whit Lizzie at a party,"
Wali hugged me again, "I'm so sorry... "

Love y'all to the moon and back💋

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