Chapter 13: Friend or Foe?

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To Giselle's relief, everything seemed normal at the estate as the carriage pulled through the gates. The guard waved to them as the carriage circled around to the stairs at the front of the house. No one seemed panicked or hurried. Surely that was a good sign. She stepped out of the carriage once the driver opened her door to exit. She thanked him before walking up the stairs. Waiting at the door was the captain of the estate guard, Jona. While he didn't seem concerned, his expression did not bode well with her.

"Good afternoon, Captain Jona," Giselle said. "I take it you have news for me?"

"I do, My Lady. I'm afraid some of the men have spotted a stranger lurking near the gates the last three nights, peering into the estate. It could just be a thief, but the dogs seemed offset by him."

"You think he's undead?"

"I do, Lady Labelle, as does the Knight Enchanter. Thus far, she hasn't been able to get close enough to discern his true nature. As far as I know, he's alone. There have been no reported killings in the area, and the roads have been safe at night until he showed up."

"Well, let us see if he appears again tonight. I wish to have a chat with him. Prepare a hunting party for tonight."

"As you say, My Lady."

Auguste greeted the captain as he walked up the steps to join them. They both bade him farewell as they followed the servants and their luggage inside. Enchanter Maria was waiting in the foyer. She seemed calm, smiling warmly as they stopped before her. The light streaming through the windows on either side glinted off of her silver armor. If she knew of the vampire threat, it did not seem to worry her.

"Welcome home, Lady Labelle. I heard good news from Tru'Lis. Congratulations are in order," Maria said.

"Thank you, Enchanter. I'm afraid that I can claim no credit in Tru'Lis' saving. A local bounty hunter wiped out the main coven. I just cleaned up the scraps." Giselle smiled back. "Has there been any trouble with Jean this time?"

"Not at all. He has shown a great deal of focus in his work as of late. I couldn't be more proud of any pupil I've had before. He's turning into a fine young man." Maria stepped aside and bowed her head politely. "I won't keep you any longer, My Lady. I am sure you wish to settle in and see your brother. He is in the library with his dark arts tutor at this hour, I believe."

"I am glad that my brother is doing well under your tutelage. Your patience and persistence with him is appreciated immensely, Enchanter. I trust you also received word about my appointment from the empress?"

The smile vanished from Marie's face, replaced with a look of unease. "I did, Lady Labelle."

"Then you should know I reward those of great talent. When we finally discover what's going on with the Commander, I will be putting in a good word for you with your Commander, or I will give you the promotion myself. Your Order needs people like you at it's head, Maria. You could do great things."

"That is incredibly generous of you, Lady Labelle. Thank you for your kind words." Maria bowed again and made her exit after another polite goodbye, a dazed look in her eye.

"I do believe you gave the poor Enchanter a bit of emotional whiplash, Mistress," Auguste said as he watched the Enchanter walk down the western corridor, one hand undoubtedly clutched to her chin as she often did when thinking.

"I meant what I said. I know you felt the same way about all those captains present at the Citadel: lazy, pampered brats with no backbones and no initiative. Maria would do much better in their place."

"That may be so, but we would do best not to get anyone's hopes up until we know what has become of Commander Allard." Auguste crossed his hat over his chest and bowed to her as the servants continued to bustle around them, unloading the carriage. "I will be in my office, drafting the letter to the Empress regarding our full report. You may join me whenever you like, Lady Labelle."

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