Chapter 16: On the Edge

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TW: Themes of Sexual, Physical, and Emotional Trauma. 

Giselle smiled at Klen as he entered her study. Quietly, he shut the door behind himself and took a seat before her. He smiled back half-heartedly and bid her good morning. Concerned, Giselle leaned forward in her seat. It was unusual for him to be so somber, and even more unusual for him to not be at Valerie's side.

"Is something wrong, Sir Klenden?" Giselle asked.

"Have you by chance seen Valerie this morning, Your Grace?" He asked, twisting one of the sleeves of his white enchanter robes as he gazed at his lap. "She's blocked me from being able to sense where she is."

"I haven't seen her all morning. Is Riven in the stables? Perhaps she's gone foraging again."

"He's still here. I checked already. The estate is so large, I don't have the faintest idea where to start looking. She's not in the east gardens, or the sparring yard. It's like she's avoiding me on purpose." Klen looked up, seeming incredibly worried.

"Do you think something might be wrong?"

"She's been... off since last night. Her mind is not in a good place and I worry for her."

"Do you think she's a danger to herself?" Giselle didn't peg Valerie as someone to suffer from depression, despite her grim personality.

"Considering she can't inflict any fatal wounds on herself, I don't think so. But I still worry."

Giselle pushed herself back from her desk. There were several hidden parts of the south gardens where she used to hide from her parents when she would get upset or needed a break from her brother. Undoubtedly, Valerie had found one of them. "I think I know where to look. It's near time for Jean and I to head to morning mass at the temple, anyway."

"Thank you, Your Grace." Klen rose from his seat and bowed. "Enjoy the sermon."

The two of them left the room. Klen headed towards the library while Giselle made her way toward the southern staircase to get to the gardens. As she drew closer to the garden entrance, she cracked a wry smile. Valerie's presence towards the back was like a shining beacon. It seemed she had only thought to block Klen from sensing her. Leisurely, Giselle strolled through the maze of hedges until she came to one of the small alcoves in the back. A large old tulip tree shaded most of the area. Underneath it, Valerie sat on the stone bench, her back to the entrance. Her long black hair was down for once, trailing behind her in the breeze.

"Hello, Your Grace," Valerie said quietly as Giselle came around to sit beside her on the bench. Currently, she was idly polishing her hunting knife. She had a bandage wrapped around her left forearm, tinged black with her blood. The sight made Giselle's stomach drop. Klen's concerns were quite valid, it seemed.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Giselle asked, hoping not to sound too concerned.

"Just fine," Valerie replied shortly, continuing to polish the same part of her knife.

"It certainly doesn't seem like it. What's with the bandages?"

"Hand slipped while cleaning my knife."

Giselle withheld a defeated sigh. She knew it was a lie, but she wasn't about to argue. "Jean and I are about to head to town to attend mass. I think you should come with us."

"I've no faith in the divine," Victoria snorted in protest.

"Nor do I, but the people take comfort in seeing me there. I could use the company."

Victoria stopped polishing her blade for a moment. "Did Klenden send you out here?"

"He mentioned he was concerned, but I wanted you to come with me before he said something. At the very least, we can quietly make fun of the faithful masses together. I have a private alcove overlooking the pulpit so no one can hear us."

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