Chapter 25: Fashionably Late

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The ballroom was full of people dancing and chatting. Victoria hadn't expected this many people to respond to the invitations--nearly one hundred guests. The month after their return from Tru'Lis had been full of dress fittings, decisions on food and wine to bring in, hiring temporary staff to work the evening, and countless other finite details Giselle had been splitting hairs over. Given the air in the room, it seemed all her efforts were bearing fruit. Everyone seemed excited, as though the vampire threat was a distant memory.

Most of those in attendance were eager to congratulate Jean on his first kill, but the majority were truly in attendance to meet Victoria. The first two hours were spent cornered, shaking hands with so many people that she was sure her arm would be sore come the morning. Eventually, Auguste came in to rescue her, claiming that he needed to steal her away for a private conversation.

They now stood off to the side while he and Klen chatted idly about some sort of arcane theory that had lost her interest ages ago. Jean was just outside, talking with a few other boys close to his age. Judging by his animated gestures, he was recounting his part in the raid. Not far away, a few young girls were listening in, whispering amongst themselves. Jean waved when he spotted Victoria through the window, and she waved back. Evidently, his friends were in awe that he was friends with a princess.

She noticed Giselle across the ballroom near the archway leading into the front parlor, chatting with Lady Isendra. It was hard to miss Giselle in her royal blue gown that tightly clung to her petite frame before flaring out below her knee in a ruffled train. A white fox fur wrap was clipped with a golden broach around her shoulders to keep her warm as the evening chill set in. Her hair was down this time, cascading down her back in a golden curtain of gentle curls. Several layers of pearls adorned her neck. Victoria took another sip from her glass as her heart gave an involuntary flutter. She had no reason to be jealous, but the feeling wouldn't leave her. Giselle leaned against the archway, her gaze focused intently upon her friend as they spoke with one another. Whatever it was about had Giselle's full attention. Auguste seemed to notice Victoria's lapse in attention and followed her gaze. A smile crept upon his face.

"What are you smiling about?" Victoria nodded toward Giselle and Isendra. "The love birds?"

"Oh no, it's just good to see Lady Isendra in better spirits. Her father is recovering well, and she's just been betrothed, with his blessing, to Lord Arion's younger son; a very advantageous pairing for the families and the city." Auguste stood up straighter as if that would disguise the fact that he was definitely smiling at the subtle spectacle.

"Does she know that yet?" Victoria knew this situation all too well, including how it always ended. Heartache was almost inevitable.

"If she does, she's hiding it well," Klen said.

Victoria finished the last of the champagne in her glass and set it on the table beside them. "I better go and bail her out."

She walked up slowly, not wishing to interrupt them too abruptly. Isendra saw her approaching first, eyes widening. She curtsied hastily in greeting. It was good to know Isendra harbored no ill will, considering the circumstances of their first meeting. "Good evening, Your Highness. You look lovely."

"Thank you, Lady Isendra. I can't recall the last time I wore a dress, to be honest," Victoria said. Isendra laughed, which drew Victoria a questioning look from Giselle. "I understand congratulations are in order for you this evening."

"Oh, yes, I suppose that's true." Isendra's smile vanished as she glanced back at Giselle. It was official; Giselle didn't know yet, judging by the curious expression that spread across her face. Victoria wasn't quite sure what she saw in Lady Isendra anyway. The two of them looked similar enough to be first or second cousins with their fair hair and skin.

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