Chapter 24: Homeward Bound

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Victoria's hand paused on the handle to the private wing of the infirmary for a moment. She took in a deep breath as if to ready herself. Giselle was surprised to see her so nervous after the way she rode off so confidently. But, the momentary lapse in her confidence quickly passed. Victoria held her head up high as she opened both doors. All of the men and women in the room were standing at their bedsides, at the obvious exasperation of the healers, judging by the expressions as they waited in the corner nearby.

Commander Allard was front and center. Everyone saluted Victoria as she walked up to him. Giselle held Jean back, wishing to give the two a moment of uninterrupted reunion first. For a while, Victoria and Commander Allard looked each other up and down silently.

"You look awful, Gerduwin. It seems the years have not been kind to you. You must frighten children when you show your face," Victoria said in a dreadfully deadpan, almost accusing voice. Giselle raised her hands to cover her mouth as she gasped, mortified.

"And your punctuality, as ever, is abysmal, Princess. Your mother would be so disappointed." Gerduwin replied, seeming very unimpressed. For a moment, it seemed the two were about to start arguing. But instead, they both burst out laughing, slapping each other on the back as they exchanged several words in Halaan. He held her at arm's length for a moment, saying something that sounded very heartfelt, judging by his expression. Victoria shook her head, responding with a gentle voice Giselle rarely heard her use.

"What are they saying?" Jean whispered to Klen, who was still perched on his shoulder as a raven.

"He's apologizing," Klen whispered back. "If I am following along correctly, the commander was with Victoria the night she fled Halaafin, by order of the king. I guess they got separated before she was attacked by Lucaese. She's saying it's not his fault."


Klen jumped in surprise as Victoria beckoned for him. Hesitantly, he flew across the room and landed on the floor beside her. For a moment, he remained as a raven, finding comfort in his diminutive form. At Victoria's insistence, he took his human form and shook hands with the commander. There was another brief exchange in Halaan before Allard switched back to Guillamenne so that everyone could understand him.

"Sir Klenden Orzhov, last you stood within these halls you were but an apprentice. The records indicate that you and your master were lost to us in Nans some two-hundred years ago. For your valiant service prior, and your dedication to Her Majesty, the princess, I offer you a proper place within our brotherhood as a Knight Enchanter," Allard said. "Our archives would be lucky to have you back in the fold."

"It would be my honor to serve our order once more," Klen saluted Allard. Sheepishly, he cleared his throat and added, "All I ask is that I be allowed to continue serving my duties at Her Majesty's side."

"You shall be my personal liaison to Princess Victoria. Guard her with your life, Sir Klenden."

"I will, Commander. Thank you."

"There is room for you in our ranks as well, Your Grace," Commander Allard said to Victoria. "I'm in need of someone reckless and efficient like you."

Giselle felt her chest tighten at the thought of Victoria leaving to join the knights. She had every right to choose her own path, but Giselle wasn't quite ready to say goodbye. There was so much she still desperately needed Victoria's help with. Victoria glanced over her shoulder at Giselle and smiled ever so slightly before looking back at Allard once more.

"I'm afraid I must decline. My place is with Lady Giselle for the moment. Our people deserve revenge and it is my duty to see that we all get it."

Allard nodded his head. "We are at your disposal, Your Grace. Let me know if either of you require anything and I will have men at the ready in moments."

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