Chapter 22: Only the Finest Will Do

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 "I still don't see why I couldn't have gone with Victoria. What if she's fighting for her life right now and needs help?" Jean huffed out his umpteenth dramatic sigh of their carriage ride from the townhouse. He had been antsy all morning since Victoria had left. This was easily the fifth time he'd brought her up already, and it was only an hour past midday.

"Considering she can comfortably handle dozens of vampires on her own, I think the odds are in her favor, Jean. And she has Klen with her to help." Giselle couldn't help but laugh. He had become so attached to Victoria that she worried about what would happen when they inevitably parted ways. "I'm sure you're not missing out on anything exciting anyway. What we have in store will be plenty of fun."

"You and I have very different ideas of fun." He crossed his arms and looked out the window of the carriage. The change in his attitude was almost immediate once he realized where they were. In an instant, he was sitting upright, eyes wide with excitement.

The carriage lurched as it came to a stop outside Sunderarms. Jean didn't wait for the driver to get his door. Giselle shook her head and followed him out. He was practically bouncing from one foot to the other at the base of the steps leading to the front door, waiting impatiently for her to hurry up. She took her time, casually strolling up the steps to the door after petting both her horse and Jean's that were hitched to the back of the carriage.

Harold and Garrig were both waiting inside for them with a group of their staff. They welcomed the two of them warmly. Jean seemed starstruck as both the master smith and master arcanist shook his hand and greeted him by name. They shook Giselle's hand next.

"Did you plan all of this?" Jean asked as he looked over at Giselle.

"Of course I did," Giselle said. "You're coming of age in a few months, which means you need to be sized for a blade and a suit of armor all your own. No more hand-me-downs."

"If you'd care to follow us, your grace, my associates and I are eager to go over materials with you for your blade and armor," Harold said, gesturing to the massive emporium before them. It seemed they had closed the shop to other patrons this afternoon. The usually busy sales floor was empty, save for a few staff busy polishing displays and sweeping the floors.

"Lead the way, Master Harold." Still dazed, Jean followed Harold and his team into the shop. Giselle stopped Garrig as he went to follow his husband.

"Is something the matter, Your Grace?" Garrig asked. It amazed her that she could bring a man of his stature to such a terrified state with a simple word.

"No, not at all. I just wanted to reiterate that money is no object with this project. I want my brother to have the best that you have to offer, regardless of the price. It's a big day for him. Jean deserves the best."

"A coming of age celebration is a momentous occasion. Rest assured he will have only the finest we have to offer."

"Do you think five months is enough time? I don't want it to be rushed."

"It should be more than enough time. I've set aside my best smiths to assist me in forging everything. Harold already has a list of enchantments to go over with you and Lord Labelle. If there is anything you wish to add to it, you have but to ask."

"I have an unrelated request from the Huntress Valerie for you," Giselle said. "She asked after a piece of armor you have for her?"

"Ah, so you were able to track her down."

"I was. Do you know her well?" Giselle asked. Despite everything they'd been through, Victoria was still a stranger to her. Everyone seemed to know her better than Giselle.

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