Chapter 27: Her Majesty

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Giselle's head was pounding when the early morning sun shining through her window roused her. She groaned quietly to herself and rolled over to avoid the sun for a moment longer. To her surprise, Victoria was dozing beside her. Giselle scooted closer and gently draped her arm around her waist and rested her head on her chest, glad to have even a brief quiet moment with her.

"Finally awake?" Victoria mumbled, lazily opening one eye to look at her. She smiled softly and wrapped an arm loosely around Giselle.

"Unfortunately," Giselle replied. "Decided to stay after all? I didn't think you'd still be here."

"Your bed is much more comfortable than mine." Victoria planted a kiss on her forehead. "You feeling alright?"

"I have a splitting headache but I'll live." Giselle glanced over her shoulder to judge the time. Loathed though she was to get up, they had a long day ahead of them. "We should start getting ready."

"It's still early. We have time." Victoria closed her eye again, seeming content to relax for a while. "Unless you're that eager to get away from me."

"Not at all. I'm glad you're here."

"Something on your mind?"

"I just hope I didn't embarrass myself last night. I barely remember the end of the party." Giselle idly fidgeted with the lace of Victoria's chemise. Anything after dinner was hazy at best. She vaguely remembered the events after dinner, and walking back to the house with Victoria, but little else.

"So you don't remember drunkenly professing your affection to me?"

"Oh please, I wasn't the only one that was drunk."

"At least you remember something. I was beginning to wonder if you would recall anything that happened."

"It would be hard for me to forget it, drunk or not." Giselle looked up at her, reaching up to caress her face. Victoria pulled her into a soft kiss, smiling as Giselle returned her affection in earnest. It was hard to say when she'd get another opportunity to spend time alone with Victoria. She wanted every moment she could get.

"Is this really what you want?" Victoria asked her between kisses. The feeling of her cold hand sliding up Giselle's thigh sent a shiver down her spine and her heart racing.

"Yes," Giselle replied, slipping one strap of Victoria's chemise off her shoulder.

"I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you this morning."

"Why is that?"

"Your brother is at the door."

Mere seconds later, there was a knock at the door. Giselle let out a defeated sigh. Finally, she had something and someone she wanted. Was it so much to ask for her to be able to enjoy their time together? Victoria detangled herself from Giselle, adjusting her chemise before climbing out of bed. She cracked the door and stuck her head out.

"What?" She said gruffly.

"Oh. Forgive me, but I thought this was my sister's room," Jean said. Giselle could practically hear the smug look on her brother's face.

"What do you want?" Victoria maintained her displeased stance, refusing to open the door more than a crack.

"Well, I was coming to wake my sister for breakfast. But I can see you're both... busy."

"We're coming." Victoria slammed the door in his face, shaking her head as she turned around. "Permission to smack your brother later?"

"Granted." Reluctantly, Giselle cast aside the blankets and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. If everyone else was up, there was no point in lingering in bed any longer. Before she could stand, Victoria stood over her, cupped her face in her hands, and gave her one last kiss before she left the room. Giselle blew out a sigh once the door had shut behind her. I'm in trouble, she thought to herself. But, it was more than worth it.

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