Chapter 4

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It was two weeks later when Charlotte found herself being lonely.Two weeks passed since they explained their situation to their fans,and asked for privacy.It went great,and their friends all happily accepted them when they said they are daiting.But they got cought up in bussy schedule,and moving from one hotel to the other,from one city to the next one.They were both all over the place,doing interviews and selling stuff,doing events and building up their careers.

Most of the time,they would only see ecather at night,before going to bed,unless they had shooting of their series that day.And Charlotte missed the older woman a lot,she couldn't say that their relationship was bad,because it wasn't.They weren't fighting and Engfa would always show how much she was into younger girl,they were both just to cought up in their jobs.

So she found herself in Heidis' room,since Engfa was still working even too it was almost midnight,and she hated being alone,specialy if it was the night time.

"Is your girlfriend still working?" Heidi asked softly as she looked up from her phone.

"I guess." Charlotte said softly and shrugged."Why?"

"Tina is with her and she's not answering my texts." She said softly and pouted making other one laugh softly.

"So what is happening between you two?"

Charlotte asked softly as she noticed her two friends were actting diferently.They were almost actting like her and Engfa,while they were hiding their relationship from everyone.

But other girl just shrugged and sighed before putting her phone down,by her side.

"I don't know Char,Im so confused." Girl said honestly,making Charlotte raise her eyebrows.

"What are you confused about?" She asked softly as she wasn't sure what was older girl talking about.

"I like Tina,Char I really do." Heidi said honestly while looking at her bestfriend and younger one nodded her head.

"Okay,then what's the problem?" Younger one asked confused making her bestfriend sigh heavily.

"I'm not sure if she has that same kind of feelings for me,and I dont want to ruin our friendship."

Heidi sighed and her bestfriend shook her head and gave older girl light hug.

"I'm pretty sure she feel the same for you honey." Charlotte said softly and ruffeled her bestfriends' hair.

"You think so?" Heidi asked softly as she looked up at her bestfriend hopefully.

Charlotte smiled softly and nodded her head.She could really see Tina liking her bestfriend a lot,way more then a friend.And she without a doubt  saw that two girls had chemistry, just like Engfa and her did.

"Yes,I think so.But you have to be bold and admit to Tina.Im pretty sure she also doesn't wanna ruin a friendship,because she isn't sure if you feel the same."

Heidi sighed but nodded her head."Im pretty sure I couldn't be more obvious,but okay I'll tell her."

Younger girl smiled softly and patted her friends back gently."That's good,you have nothing to worry about."

"Can I ask,how did you and Engfa ended up together?"

Heidi asked softly and younger one smiled softly and bit her bottom lip gently,as she remembered the night that happened three months ago.

"It was the night Engfa got crowned and we went out to celebrate.And I guess we both had a bit to much to drink and she ended up saying she likes me,and we hooked up in club toilet."

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