Chapter 8

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4 months later

"Miss Grand Thailand,Engfa Waraha,seen getting cozy with mysterious girl in Bangkok,after her breakup with Charlotte Austin."

That title was first thing Charlotte saw on twitter as soon as she woke up. Also with pictures attachted to it,of her ex girlfriend clinging to and kissing some random woman that looked familiar to Charlotte,but she couldn't tell who she was. But she wasn't suprised by the news at all, considering the fact that almost two months passed since they broke up. She knew that one day she would wake up to that,and she did.

But she would lie,if she said that it didn't hurt her.It did,a lot.But she knew that it was time for them both to move on,but younger one was still stuck on it.She couldn't get over relationship of almost one year,that easily.And she was getting over her first heartbreak with a woman,and it was ten time worse then any heartbreak that she had before with man.She would get over every single man in a week,but over Engfa,she just couldn't.

Maybe problem with their breakup was that Charlotte couldn't even point out what went wrong,and when. They just simply drifted apart, considering they were both always busy and chasing jobs,they would spend bearly any time together. And when they did spend time together it would mostly be fun in the bedroom, without to much comunication,which was obviously needed to them both. And at the end all the love that they had for ecather just wasn't enough to keep relationship going like that. They drifted apart and got distant,and fans were quick to notice. So girls mutualy decided to call it quits and let their fandom know about it.

And younger one was suprised just how suportive their fandom was,even too they weren't together people still loved them and suported them. But Engfa and Charlotte did their best to act normal and friendly,even too it was obvious to everyone that they got colder to ecather.

"Who is she?" Heidi asked angrily as she walked into Charlottes' room without even knocking.

Two girls' recently bought the condo together after Charlotte and Engfa broke up,and soon after them Heidi and Tina went through same thing. So two bestfriends just decided to stay and live together. Even too they both still had to see their ex girlfriends for work,they were trying to distance themselves as much as they could.

Younger one raised her eyebrow at her bestfriend before shrugging her shoulders casualy.

"I don't know,and to be honest,I don't really want to know." Charlotte said honestly,making older girl frown at that.

"Well okay if you dont want to know,but I want to know." Heidi said seriously making younger one to roll her eyes playfully before getting up from bed. As she was suposed to get ready for a live interview with her ex girlfriend,where they would talk about their tour in America. And Charlotte wasn't looking forward to that tour at all,anymore.

"That's her bussines Heidi,Im just her ex,she doesn't need to tell me stuf like that."

Charlotte said softly as she stripped out her pjs, and pulled out some clothes out her chloset.

"Well fine." Older girl mummbled out,not really happy with other girls answer."Will you at least wear something sexy?"

Charlotte rolled her eyes playfully at that."Why would I?I just want to be comfy."

She explained softly,as she pulled out faded mom jeans and tiny white crop top,and placed it on her bed.

"Damn you are so depressed that you make me depressed." Heidi whined,making Charlotte laugh quietly at shake her head playfully as she put her clothes on.

"Okay... that's sexy too." Heidi mummbled out as she checked out her bestfriend."Im sure Engfa will love it." Heidi teased and gave younger girl a playfull wink,earning an eyeroll in return.

Older girl laugh at that before leaving the room so younger one could keep getting ready,when her phone buzzed with new text. She opened it, only to see it was from her ex girlfriend.

Engfa Waraha: Char,where are you?Live is starting in 15 minutes.

Younger one frowned at that as she realized she was late again,but still decided to finish doing her hair and makeup,and just left older girl on read.

She arived thirty minutes later,which was fifteen minutes late. Crew was waiting for her but they didn't really care that she was running late,Engfa on the other hand looked mad. Older girl also looked hangover and Charlotte could tell other girl had sex night before,just by look on her face. But younger one didn't care,or at least she tryed to pretened like she didn't care.

She sat down on the couch next to older woman,but made sure to keep her distance. Engfa noticed that immediatly and decided to move closer before leaning to younger girls' ear.

"You are late,again." She whispered out but hint of anger was obvious in her face.

Charlotte didn't bother,she acted like she didn't even hear what other woman told her. She fixed her posture before looking at crew members and giving them a sweet smile.

"I think we are ready to start." She said softly,making woman next to her frown but stay quiet.

"Okay,girls we are starting in 3,2,1...and we are live." One of crew members said and both girls gave their best smiles to camera,acting like everything was perfect.

After them explaining about their American tour that was coming up,and just talking about their jobs,private questions started to come up. And that was when their calm mood shifted to anxious,and they both looked like they couldn't wait for interview to be over.

"So Engfa..." Woman that was interviewing them looked at older girl,and Charlotte could see her ex girlfriend gulping,as they both knew what was coming."Last night you were seen with mysterious girl."

Woman said softly and Engfa only nodded her head while younger one bit on her bottom lip gently.

"Yeah I was cought by paparazzi." Older one tryed to joke,but Charlotte could tell other girl was annoyed with the fact she was cought.

"Can we know the status of you two and name of mysterious girl?" Woman asked softly and now Charlotte could see older girl bitting on her bottom lip nervously,before finaly nodding her head.

"Uh sure,that woman is my girlfriend." Engfa said softly and younger girl felt like she just got stabbed with largest knife in the world."Her name is Aoom Thaweeporn."

After that Charlotte wasn't suprised at all,with the fact that Engfas' new girlfriend was one of contestants of Miss Grand Thailand 2023.She was more suprised with the fact she couldn't recognize that girl immediatly on the pictures,but then again Engfa was good at hiding her new girls' face from camera.

She could hear crowd chear at that and woman wishing them luck in their relationship before she turned to Charlotte.

"And what about you Charlotte?We heard some daiting rumors about you to." Woman said softly and Charlotte bit her bottom lip nervously.

"And about which daiting rumor are we talking about?" Charlotte asked as she tryed to play it off.

"About you daiting Amanda Jensen,is that true?"

"Yes." Charlotte responed immediatly without any hesitation, without even thinking about it,making her ex girlfriend shocked and whole studio to scream in suprise.

But all she could think about was how to tell her bestfriend,that she just said to whole world that they are daiting,just so she would make her ex girlfriend jealous.

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