Chapter 16

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Engfas' POV

After whole day at work I walked into the house I shared with a woman I love, as it was already 10 pm on the clock, and I finished with my work some time ago. As soon as I walked through the door I could smell the dinner cooking, and could hear my wife laughing.

"Mommy!" Kiara squiled happily as she run into my legs and wrapped her little arms around my knees.

I smiled widly at my three year old, before kneeling down and picking her up easily.

"Hey sweety." I said softly and smiled at her wrapping her little arms around my neck and kissing my cheek quickly. "Where's your mommy?"

I asked softly and watched as my daughter pointed towards the kitchen, and I walked with her in my arms.

When we walked in I saw my wife standing with her back turned to me, as she watched our son crawl around the kitchen.

I smiled lovingly and wrapped one arm around her waist, making her jump up in suprise as she wasn't expecting me. That made Kiara giggle and I could see Charlotte smiling as I rested my chin on her shoulder and kissed it gently.

"You suprised me." She said softly as she turned to face me, and I put Kiara down so I could wrap my arms around the waist of woman in front of me.

"I missed you, baby." I said softly and leaned in peaking her lips gently, making Kiara to scrunch up her little nose and say 'yucky', making us both laugh.

"I missed you to, a lot." She said sweetly and nuzzeled her face in my neck.

"Are you tired?" I asked softly as I gently played with her hair.

Years ago when we decided that we wanted to have kids, Charlotte immediatly said that she would be the one getting pregnant. She obviously knew how self conscious I was about my body, and how much thought off getting pregnant was scaring me. While she wanted to carry our babys more then anything, I took it on me to take care off them and work as much as I could so they would have everything. And that was working out well when she was pregnant with Kiara. She was having risky pregnancy and had to rest, so I was working and spoiling her. But when she got pregnant with Elli she decided she would still work during it.

And now we had two little kids and we were both working just like we did when we first started daiting. I was working at our modeling industry for whole days while she was working from home as much as she could while taking care of two babys.

"A little." She said softly and shrugged her shoulders while kissing on my neck sweetly.

"I'll take kids to bed and then we can have dinner and relax?" I asked softly, making her smiled lovingly and nodded her head while looking at me.

"Okay." I smiled lovingly and pulled away a little as I walked to Elli and picked him up, causing him to laugh from happines.

"Mommy, wait for me." Kiara whined before taking my hand and letting me lead her upstairs.

I smiled lovingly and took them both to bed,Elli fell asleep immediatly. While Kiara was always causing us troubles with her bed time. It took her almost an hour to fall asleep before I finaly made my way back downstairs.

"Did they fell asleep?" My wifes' sweet voice spoke up from the kitchen as she sat the table for us and pured two glasses off wine.

I nodded my head and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into my body.

"Can you focus on your wife now?" She whispered out and leaned in capturing our lips in sweet kiss.

I smiled lovingly against her lips and pulled her closer to me. "Of course." I whispered out quietly making her smile before pulling away a little.

"Let's go have dinner. Have you eaten anything at all sunce this morning?" She asked softly as she pulled me to the table, I shook my head causing her to frown immediatly.

"You have to take better care of yourself baby." She pouted,making me smile at how adorable she was.

"You are taking great care of me, love." I teased and winked at her, making her playfully shake her head at me.

"I know." She spoke softly and leaned in kissing me gently again.

"I love you." I whispered quietly against her lips.

"I love you too." She smiled lovingly and licked my bottom lip playfully before pulling away from me.

Charlottes' POV

I watched my wife getting naked as she was standing in front of our bed, while I was waiting for her under the sheets.

From the distance I could see nail marks on her back and down her thighs, even thought it was pretty dark in the room. Those marks were bright red and fresh, they looked almost painfull on her soft skin. I knew those weren't my work off art, I didn't know who those belonged to, but I knew my wife was sleeping around a lot. I knew Engfa wasn't faithfull to me, for a while already, even before I gave birth to Elli.

But Engfa was the one I loved, even if she was sleeping with other woman. She was mother of my kids, my wife for four years and my girlfriend for three years before that. She was only person I wanted to see after long day, and first person I wanted to see in the morning. And even with her being unfaithfull, she was the one I wanted to grow old with. But I hoped that one day she would figured that I was enough for her, even thought I wasn't sure that day would ever come.

I watched her climb into the bed and climbed into my arms, pressing her naked body on mine. As her lips graized against my jaw and her fingertips gently touched my skin.

"I missed you so much, Char." She whispered out while continuing to move her fingers over my skin.

And even thought I knew how wrong it was, I couldn't help but surrender to her once again.

The end

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