Chapter 14

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"Don't even try to tell me that it's not what it looks like." Heidi said seriously, as she was standing opositte of her girlfriend in the middle of hotel room. While Engfa was dragged by Aoom on the balcony, but both girls could still hear them shouting.

Charlotte was looking down all the time as she couldn't even meet other girls' eyes. Instead she was still working on buttoning up her jeans, as she realized being half naked right now wasn't a good idea. But the fact that she knew Engfa was on the balcony only in her underware was bothering her a lot, even thought she knew it wasn't right time to say anything about it.

"Charlotte..." Heidi started with harsh voice but was quick to sigh and shake her head, as she was now looking at younger woman with teary eyes. "Why didn't you just tell me? I would never come here then." She whispered out quietly and other girl could hear so much pain in her voice.

So she took a step closer and placed hand on older girls cheek caressing it gently. "I dont know Heidi...I was so scared." She whispered back and her voice trembled, as they were both starring at ecathers eyes.

"Scared of what Char?" Older one sighed as she placed her hand over Charlotte's that was resting on her cheek.

"Of breaking you heart." She whispered honestly and let a tear roll down her face but other girl was quick to gently whipe it away.

"I was prepared on it, trust me Char it's obvious that you two are still in love." She spoke softly as she gently caressed her girlfriends' cheek.

"I feel so bad for doing this to you. You really didn't deserve shitty girlfriend like me." Charlottes' voice was breaking and other girl immediatly wrapped her up in her arms. Younger one immediatly nuzzeled her face in other girls' neck, as she softly cried.

"You are not shitty girlfriend." She kissed girls' head sweetly while rubbing her back gently. "I know you would never cheat on Engfa, which just means I wasn't right for you."

Younger woman sighed at that and looked up meeting girls' eyes again. Charlotte couldn't deny her love for Heidi, but she couldn't love her in a way she loved Engfa, no mater how much she tryed to do that.

"It was wrong of me to even ask you to date me." Younger one spoke quietly. "I knew your feelings for me and I used them when I needed it."

Heidi cracked small smile at that and shooked her head.

"We both used ecather I guess, I also wanted to know how it feels to love you and be loved by you. Even thought I knew you aren't ready and still hurting."

Younger one bit her bottom lip nervously and reached out to interlock her fingers with other girl.

"I ruined our friendship?" She whispered out quietly as she was terrified of the answer.

But other girl shooked her head and brought girls' hand to her lips and kissed it gently. "Ruined the relationship, yes. But friendship no, it will take a lot more then you going down on your ex girlfriend to ruin it."

Both girls laughed gently at that and Charlotte couldn't be more thankfull for other woman, when girl pulled her in tight hug.

"I love you." Charlotte whispered out quietly while hugging other girl back tightly. "Maybe not in the way you want me to love you...but I really do.

Older one laughed quietly at that and nodded her head as she placed soft kiss on girls' forehead.

"It's fine, I love you to." She said softly making younger one to look up at her.

"I really feel terrible for doing this to you."

Heidi cracked another small smile and shooked her head. "It's fine, Char. You love her, and I would be truly happy if you two got married one day and have few babys."

Younger one laughed quietly at that shooked her head.

"Thank you for being my bestfriend, but right now you can be na asshole to me. I deserved it."

"Nah you didn't. I already told you we were both wrong, and I'll always be here for you."

Charlotte sighed at that but nodded her head before glancing over to the balcony,where she could see Engfa and Aoom still talking, but couldn't hear them anymore through closed balcony doors.

"Is she better then me?" Aoom whispered out quietly as she was looking at woman in front of her with teary eyes.

And while Engfa knew she was supossed to say no, she just stayed quiet as she couldn't lie about that, and she knew real answer would hurt younger one.

Aoom sighed at that and bit her bottom lip gently, as she couldn't yell or fight anymore. Instead she looked at girl that was standing in front of her only in her bra and panties, and she just now noticed how badly other woman was shivering.

"Put this on, you are cold." She whispered out quietly as she immediatly took her jacket off and threw it over Engfas' shoulders.

"Thanks." Engfa whispered out quietly and looked up at other girls' face. "Look I know I just can't say anything to make this right, I fucked up. I should be honest with you and breakup before even coming here, because I can't control myself around her Aoom...I really can't."

Younger one sighed at that, as she wasn't really happy with hearing that, but she knew that was true.

"I'm well aware off that Engfa. I just don't understand why you didn't call and told me what happened. Trust me anything would be better then to find out in this way."

Engfa was suprised with how calm and understanding younger one was. "I know, I apologize for hurting you. For hurting both of you actually, you and Heidi."

Younger one sighed at that but nodded her head as she wrapped her arms around Engfa hugging her gently.

"It's fine, I wish you happines...and I really hope you two will last."

Younger one whispered out before pulling away from the hug, and opening balcony doors and letting her now ex girlfriend walk in first. And as soon as they walked in Charlotte's eyes were on Engfa.

"Are you cold P'Fa?You should put something warm on." She whispered out worridly as she immediatly went to pick up some warm clothes for other woman. And Heidi smiled softly at the scene, knowing even too she got her heart hurt, her bestfriend is in love.

A/N: Helloo.
I had really shitty past few days,as my ex girlfriend of three years decided to contact me for first time since our breakup,which was five months ago. And it made me really angry, so I'm just taking out my frustration on this story. So I'm sorry if it's to much drama past few chapters, I'll try to switch it up soon.😂😅

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