Chapter 15

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Charlottes' POV

Morning after all that incident I woke up wrapped up into other girls' arms. I knew that we fell asleep with huge distance between us, as we were both still shocked with what happened, and even scared to be to close. But somehow in the middle of the night we ended up in ecathers arms again.

I sighed in relief as i feelt her gently caressing skin of my waist with her thumb, letting me know she's awake.

"Don't move yet, please." She whispered out,her voice still raspy from her sleep.

"I won't." I whispered back and feelt her pulling me closer by my waist, so I pushed my back even further into her front.

"Yesterday we went to sleep like we are mad on ecather." She spoke softly, while tracing small paterns on skin of my hip. I could tell she was upset by everything that happened yesterday, so I turned around so I was facing her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Why would I be mad on you, babe?" I asked softly and watched her make confused face as she was thinking about it, before shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know." She said softly making me smiled and leaned in kissing corner of her lips gently.

"Yeah, I don't know either baby." I said softly and caressed her cheek gently, as I watched her eyes watching me with so much adoration.

"I hated sleeping away from you." She sighed and rested her forehead against mine gently.

"But we were sleeping in same bed." I giggled quietly as she made it seem like we didn't share a room.

"But we weren't cuddling." She sighed and looked up at my eyes, making me smile lovingly.

"We are cuddling now, aren't we?" I whispered out quietly and she nodded her head before leaning in kissing my forehead sweetly.

"Do you feel bad about what we did?" She asked softly but I was quick to shake my head, as I wasn't regreting it. I knew it was wrong but Engfa was only person I wanted to be with.

"No, I don't ." I whispered out honestly and made sure to catch her eyes looking at mine.

"Good, because I dont either." She spoke softly, making me smile, before she leaned in and finaly kissed me and I kissed her back immediatly without any hesitation.

Kiss started as sweet and gentle, but it didn't take long for it to heat up and in under few minutes she was on top off me. Our clothes were all over the floor but she was quick to pull the sheets over us, probably not wanting another naked incident.

3 months after USA tour

Engfas' POV

I watched as love of my life was dancing while cooking dinner in our kitchen, while James Arthur slowly played off of her spotify playlist. She was only wearing oversized T-shirt and panties and her hair was down and falling over her shoulders messily, but she couldn't be more perfect to me.

Ever since we came back from USA life was perfect, Charlottes' friendship with Heidi was just the same as it was before anything happened between them. As Heidi and Tina got back together soon after all that mess in L.A. Aoom and me also managed to stay friends and I was proud to crown her as next Miss Grand Thailand, once we came back from our tour.

And relationship between me and Charlotte was better then ever, as we both decided we wanted to live together and bought our dream house. Fans happily accepted news about us getting back together, and we were just trully happy. We were doing interviews and lives together on a daily, and I finaly fell in love with my job, as I was doing it with person that I love.

"How are you so perfect all the time?" I whispered out quietly as I walked behinde her and wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her tightly from behinde and resting my chin gently on her shoulder.

"Me perfect? No, my girlfriend is deffinition off that." She smiled sweetly before looking up at me.

"Oh, yeah. Well your girlfriend must be one lucky woman." I teased and her smile grew even bigger.

"Oh she is. She's also hottest woman to ever walk on this earth." She teased back,making me smile and lean in capturing her lips in sweet kiss.

She kissed me back gently but she pulled away to quickly, making sure food wouldn't burn. I pouted at that and nuzzeled face in her neck kissing it sweetly before pulling away a little, so she would have enough space.

"You just pulled away and I already miss you." She sighed making me laugh quietly.

"You are acting like I went on other end of the world, and not other end of the kitchen." I teased and watched her pout.

"Well this is far to." She shrugged and finished the meal, before she immediatly run up to me and jumped in my arms, wrapping her long legs around my waist.

"Hey baby, did you miss me?" She said in her baby voice while kissing all over my face, making me laugh while having a grip on her ass making sure I'm holding her up.

"Yes." I laughed and peaked her lips gently.

"Good." She said sweetly and wrapped arms around her neck. "Because I missed you to."

I smiled lovingly and kissed her quickly, before putting her back down carefully and helped her set up table.

After dinner we made our way to the backyard and I sat down on the swing while she layed down, resting her head on my lap. I run my fingers through her long dark hair, gently playing with it. She made me feel safe, and she was first person I ever feelt trully happy with. So without even think twice about it I leaned down to her ear, and whispered out something that would change our lifes forever.

"I want to marry you."



Next chapter will probably be last chapter as I think Im done with this story. Hope you like it ☺️

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