Chapter 7

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It was two months after Samui trip,when two girls relationship started to go down hill. They were both always busy,and on the go,chasing random events and interviews. Both girls were spending days on the planes,traveling from one location to the other,and bearly even had time to call ecather before bed.But even when they were together it didn't feel the same like it used to be.

When they finaly were able to be together,they were both atending one of the girls' birthday. People immediatly noticed how two girls came each with her own car,and they only shared a brief hug to say hello. After that Charlotte ended up with her friends while Engfa ended up with other girls on the other side of the house. They couldn't be more distanced and Heidi noticed that immediatly. She also noticed how her bestfriend was chugging drink after the drink. Heidi knew her bestfriend and she knew this wasn't Charlottes' normal behavior,she also noticed Engfa doing exact the same.

She watched whole night as younger one was chugging the shots and dancing with random girls.Heidi figured that her and Engfas' behavior wasn't normal,so she sent her girlfriend to keep an eye on older woman while she continued to watch over younger one.

"Heidi,I have to pee." Charlotte whined after some time of just puring alcohol in her organism.

Older girl nodded and took her bestfriends' hand.

"Okay, let's go pee." She said softly as she pulled younger girl with her,pushing through crowd of people before they finaly made it to the bathroom.

Charlotte got in while Heidi was leaned against the wall,as she waited for her bestfriend. When younger one came out,she was about to walk immediatly out the bathroom but other girl stoped her.

"What's happening?" Heidi asked softly making drunk Charlotte to look at her with raised eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" She slurred out while trying to focus her eyes on girl in front of her.

Older one frowned at that and shooked her head in frustration.

"I'm talking about you and your girlfriend Charlotte. You two didn't even came together,you bearly greated ecather and now both of you are drunk as fuck." Heidi said everything in one breath making younger one to frown and pout her lips.

"Why are you being mean?" She whined and leaned against the wall,as she started to feel to drunk to stand.

Heidi sighed at that and run fingers through her hair in frustration."Im not being mean Char,okay?I'm just trying to understand what is happening. Because I can feel that both of you are hurting."

Younger one sighed at that and only shrugged her shoulders,as she felt like Heidis' words sobered her up a little.

"I don't know what's happening,we were fine, everything is fine. But for the past two weeks we bearly saw ecather,and tonight was supose to be first night in two weeks that we spend together .But then this birthday came up and we both like drifted apart a little bit and I hate it." Younger one whispered out as her eyes filled up with tears immediatly."I'm secretly watching her whole night and I can't help but hate every single girl that she gets close to."

"I feel exactly the same.I hate every single girl that danced with you tonight." Low husky voice whispered behinde her,making Charlottes' whole body to turn around immediatly.

And there she was meet with her girlfriends' sweet face. Older one looked obviously drunk,but most of all she looked exausted and like she was about to cry or scream in frustration.

"What are you two doing here?" Heidi asked softly her girlfriend as she was glancing at two drunk girls with raised eyebrow.

"She started having anxiety attack, and begged me to take her to Charlotte." Tina explained softly while also keeping an eye on girls.

Charlotte frowned at the whole situation and took a step closer so she could wrap her arms around her girlfriends' waist."I hate this P'Fa,I don't want us to sulk on ecather."

Younger one whined making Engfa to smile drunkly."Please don't dance with anyone else tonight."Older one spoke softly making younger one to nod her head immediatly and look at her girlfriends' eyes.

"I don't care about anyone else P'Fa,only you." She spoke softly,making Engfa to smile lovingly and lean in peaking her girlfriends' lips gently.

While Tina and Heidi were standing aside,watching whole situation still completly confused.

"Okay well it only took them to get drunk to talk to ecather." Tina laughed making Heidi also laugh and shake her head,as both girls were happy that other two girls were fine and nothing serious was happening. They were just sulking at ecather,which for them both was completly normal behavior.

"Okay,well we should take them home, there's no way that they can drive." Heidi said softly and her girlfriend nodded her head immediatly before making her way to two girls that were still hugging and kissing sweetly.

"Okay Englot, let's take you both home." Tina said softly, causing two girls to pull away from ecather immediatly,but they still kept holding hands.

"Can you take us both to my place?" Engfa asked softly as all she wanted was to spend the rest of the night with her girlfriend.

Charlotte smiled shyly at that and blushed before looking down,making Heidi tease her immediatly. While Tina smiled and nodded her head to Engfa.

So two sober girls helped drunk couple to make it to Tinas' car,and as soon as two girls climb to the backseat they cuddled up together.

"I never wanna fight with you again." Engfa whispered out quietly and placed a kiss on top of younger girls head,as younger one was leaned on her girlfriends' shoulder.

"I don't wanna fight either,I hate it. I just want to cling to you and kiss you and to be happy." Charlotte whispered out quietly,while two girls in front awed at their drunk friends. Reaction caused both girls to blush and hide their faces in ecathers hair.

Few minutes later they arived to Engfas' condo and both girls' drunkly made their way into the bedroom. Older one stripped down immediatly and climbed into her bed,with younger one following immediatly.

As soon as both of them were in bed,Engfa wrapped herself around her girlfriend,as she loved the feeling of their naked bodys pressing against ecather.

"No funny bussines tonight." Charlotte mummbled quietly as she wrapped arms around her girlfriends' waist and nuzzeled her face in older girls' neck,before closing her eyes.

Older one laughed quietly at that and nodded her head as she felt to drunk to do anything,so she only placed a soft kiss on her girlfriends' forehead.

"Goodnight,baby." She whispered out quietly as she could already hear younger girls quiet snores,which was enough for her to doze off immediatly after.

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