Ch.2: Ride

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I don't know what I thought running was gonna do for me, but I did it anyways.

As soon as I saw his sharp jaw line and his model like face, i knew something was off. No one could be that perfect. Also, the intensity in his eyes when he stared at me made me feel like I was safe for some reason.

I turned around as quickly as possible and made a run for it.

The doors were open and No one was moving. This seemed too easy...

Just as it thought that, I slammed into a hard chest. But before I could hit the ground they caught me and wound their arms around my small frame.

I looked up and I was staring into the same hazel eyes for about the millionth time. His brown hair was long but didn't hang in his face like a rag. He was utterly perfect.

" Yeah, bro. That's the bitch right there." the Tristan said.

I had always heard that he had a brother, but I never thought to look him up.

I didn't notice the sparks of electricity until his thumb was caressing my cheek. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch before realizing what was happening.

I was being dominated by a bloodsucker. This is probably what they do before they go for the kill. That's not going to be my life. I used all the strength I could to push him away from me and take a few tiny steps back.

He growled before looking at his brother. " What was that brother ? " He asked a little angry

" This bitch is the one that slapped me. All because I hit on her. Can you belie-" he didn't get to finish because his neither snapped his neck and left him lying in a heap on the floor.

He wasn't dead. Just temporarily stabilized.

" Mine." he snarled as he grabbed my hand and led me out the doors and I silently pleaded for my bestfriend to rescue me.

But she just stood there looking shocked and a little envious.

" Help. " I pleaded one last time quietly

I was brought to a large black car but before I could panic, I was pressed against the passenger side door and his face was in my neck.

That is the last place I wanted this vamp to be , but it felt really good.

" H-hey.." I said weakly. " No biting. I mean it." I said trying to push his head away.

" Shh... just smelling..." he said and his cold lips connected with my skin I took in a loud breath. " and some kissing. It is all... how you say, innocent. " he spoke huskily with his accent taking over the closer he got. I could hear him mumbling things but all that really stood out was that he kept saying " mine. ".

He was fully pressed against me and I was fully sandwiched between the car and him, but I wasn't complaining.

Why wasn't I complaining ? I don't know.

He lightly bit at my collar bone, and I moaned a bit too loudly.

He tensed up and his eyes darkened a bit before he opened the door for me.

" I am not riding in there. " I said in a duh tone.

He raised his eyebrow at this. " Oh, my ignorant human. I guarantee that you will ride. You will ride, and you will love it. " he said with a smirk, indicating his words had a double meaning.

I debated on whether or not I should listen to him or try to run again, but remembering what he did to his own brother, I'm not immortal. So, pouting, I decided to get in the large car.

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