Ch. 17

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We laid there in comfortable silence for a while and questions kept swarming through my mind. Some about what just happened, but mostly about the papers I found. What's a hybrid? Who is The Corporation? I wasn't sure if I should ask or not. It's really not my place.

"Go ahead." He said and I looked up at him. "Ask. I don't mind. We're connected forever so that means no secrets." He said kissed my neck sensually.

"Uhmm...o-okay." I stuttered and he hummed, but continued to kiss and suckle on my neck. " What's a hybrid?" I asked and he stopped. I could feel his body go tense and slowly lifted his head to look at me with a serious face.

"Where did you hear that word?" He asked and he looked like he was ready to kill.

"W-what?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Was it Eric? Did he say something to you? I gonna-"

"Woah, calm down. I just saw it on some papers when I was cleaning in here. Why are you so tense?"

"Don't worry about what a hybrid is. Next question."


"Next question." He said with finality.

"What's The Corporation?" I asked and I could feel the anger come off of him in waves.

"I don't think I appreciate you snooping through my things." He said through gritted teeth.

"I didn't snoop through anything! I was cleaning this sty that you call a room and the papers were thrown in the corner. I wanted to make sure they weren't trash before just tossing them." I argued

"I don't care. No one asked you to clean up in here. I liked it the way it was."

"Well maybe if you hadn't have trapped me in here with nothing to do, I wouldn't have ever found out. So you can blame yourself." I spat. "And don't worry about answering. I'll find someone else to tell me." I finished and sat up.

I threw the covers off of me and started to get up when his hand grabbed my thigh. I looked down at him in anger and his face was blank.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I ripped my leg away from him, picked my bra up off of the ground, and walked to his closet. I put my bra on and grabbed one of his shirts and a pair of his sweats.

I tied them tightly around my waist and when I turned around Ambrogio was right behind me. He had on a pair of black sweats that rode low on his hips. He looked me up and down and bit his lip.

"I do enjoy you in my clothing." He said and licked his lips.

I rolled my eyes-despite the tingly feeling that was growing in my body- and tried to walk past him. He took a step to the side and stood in front of me. This happened about 5 more times before I got annoyed.

"Ambrogio, move! Jesus, you're so annoying." I said and threw my hands in the air. He kept a straight face and moved to the side so I could pass him. I hurried to move past him, but as soon as I was in the doorway of the closet he grabbed my hips and pulled me back against him.

"That was very rude, Ever." He said and gripped my waist tighter. "If you're ready to listen, I'll gladly answer your questions." He said and I smirked. I knew that he only changed his mind because he didn't want me getting it from someone else, most likely Eric.

"Okay." I said and he slid his hands from my waist and wrapped his arms around me instead.

"A hybrid is a a mix of two species. So someone who's half wolf and half vampire would be a hybrid." He explained and then he stopped for a minute before speaking again. "I guess technically you would be considered a hybrid too." He said and it made sense. Half human and I guess now half wolf.

"It makes sense." I said and he hummed

"Now, when I tell you this you can't tell any of your little human friends." He said and I rolled my eyes

"Ambrogio, I-"

"I'm serious Ever. This is information for my kind only. I'm only telling you because you're part of my kind now." He explained and I nodded.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"The Corporation is an organization based on finding out information on us supernaturals." He explained. "But not throughout studying and things like that. They take us and they experiment on us and cut us open like some lab experiment. They're disgusting." He spat and I placed my hand over his to calm him down.

His name was on the papers about hybrid's and The Corporation. Why was that? Was he involved with them?

"Why was your name on the papers with that other stuff?" I asked and he didn't say anything. "Geo, why was your name on that paper?" I asked again and he turned me to face him. I looked in his eyes and I could tell he was conflicted.

"Ever, it's not time yet." He said finally and I rolled my eyes.

"I already know about the real crazy stuff, you might as well just tell me."

"I don't want to put you in danger. The less you know the better." He said

"Ambrogio, you're going to tell me right now." I demanded and he raised an eyebrow at me. "We're connected forever, remember?" I said and he sighed.

"You're right. I just don't want you to leave again." He said and looked to the side.

"Why would I leave?"

"I'm a hybrid, Ever. A wolf and a vampire. I should've told you and I don't know why I didn't, I just didn't think you would accept me. You already hated vampires. I-I just thought you would hate a hybrid too." He admitted and I laughed

"I don't care Ambrogio. That doesn't matter to me. You're still the same arrogant, crazy, mean, annoying man that I know. You being mixed with something else isn't going to change that."

"There's more." He said. "The Corporation is after me because I'm a really rare hybrid. My vampire is a very powerful one and my wolf is white. Pure white. Those are the strongest and most rare wolves in the world." He said and something clicked in the back of my mind.

"My wolf is white." I said and his eyes were wide. I guess he had forgotten all about when I shifted tonight.

"Was Dean's wolf white too?" He asked and I shook my head

"It was brown."

"That means.." he stopped and shook his head. He let me go and walked into his room and stared pacing.

"What does that mean?" I asked as I followed him.

"When I marked you, I think I triggered something in you and activated the wolf gene. You have my wolf in you and that's why you're a white wolf." He explained and it all started to make sense. "I did this to you. You're going to be a target. You can't let anyone outside of this place know that you're a white wolf. T-They'll take you a-and then-"

"Ambrogio, calm down." I said and grabbed his face. "We're going to be just fine. No one's going to take me. I'm right here with you. Relax. I'll call Ceph tomorrow and ask her to bring me a big suitcase of my clothes. Relax." I said and sat us down on the bed. He looked at me with a strange look on his face and then said something I had wanted to say for a long time but never had the courage to.

"I love you." He said and I was feeling a million emotions at once. I never thought he would be the type of guy to express his emotions verbally. He was a closed off guy. But I can tell you that I felt like the queen of the world when he said that.

"I love you too." I said and he kissed me before laying us down and turning off the lights. He pulled me close to him and we fell asleep not thinking of what would happen in the future, just that we had each other now.

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