Ch. 7: Eric

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I woke up and immediately felt a sharp pain in my chest. Ignoring it the best I could, I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood to make my way to the mirror.

I stood and tripped over what looked like a body.

Oh please, please don't let this be a dead body.

" Oww... Ev, you know, you can't just go stomping on people. It hurts. "

" Sorry Cephey," I said. " I didn't know you were still here. "

Silence followed as I changed into my spare clothes that she brought last night.

" Are you okay ? " She asked some time later.

" What are you talking about ? " I ask starting to put my hair in a bun.

" Last night, you were crying. I don't know if you were asleep or not, but you were sobbing really hard and I didn't know what to do. " she explained.

" I- I don't remember any of that" I said trying to think of any possible way this could be true.

" You kept saying ' it hurts, it hurts so bad '... Do you want to tell me what hurts Ev ? " She asks quieter.

I finally look in the mirror ad see tear streaks and red splotches all over my face. My eyes are puffy and my nose is red at the tip.

" N-nothing.. nothing hurts. I'm fine. " I say finishing my messy bun.

" Ev..." she starts

" I said I'm fine, Cephey. " I interrupt and my phone chimes.

A text from " Stud " reads : Goodmorning beautiful, come downstairs there's a surprise for you.

I reply with a smiley face and walk towards the door.

" Come on Cephey, there's a surprise for us downstairs. "

" Us or you ? Because last time you did that, you got a car and my aunt made me wash the dishes after my own birthday bash. " she said a little skeptical.

" Just come on. " I say chuckling a little.

We walk into the kitchen and see Eric putting out plates around the big table of food.

" Eric.. " I say

" Hey, gorgeous... and gorgeous' hot friend. I thought you'd be hungry so, I made you some food ! " He said with a smile.

" You're so sweet ! " I gush and give him a hug that lasted longer than a normal hug, but that's only because Ambrogio walked in seconds after I wrapped my arms around him.

" Anything for you, " he said making sure that Ambrogio could hear. " enjoy." he said fixing my plate of food with everything on it, and taking a seat next to me.

Next thing I see is Ozarka turning the corner and wrapping her arms around Geo from behind. I felt the same pain in my chest and I squeeze Eric's arm.

He looks over at them and grabs my hand to guides me out of the kitchen.

" Eric, where are you taking her ? " He demands

" Don't worry about her, looks like you've got your hands full with that one. " he says with a look of disgust toward Ozarka.

" I don't think that's your decision to make ! " He says getting louder.

" Don't worry about me. " I say clenching my chest and closing my eyes. " You've already got someone to take up your time. I don't want to be apart of your life, so stay out of mine. " I spat and followed Eric as he led me out of there.

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