Ch. 10: Poor Eric

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"Geo, it's not what you think. " I tried, but it was met by deaf ears.

"Every time I'm even remotely happy, you have to swoop in and take it all away."

" Am-" Eric started

" Shut your fucking mouth!" Ambrogio hollered and grabbed Eric by the collar. "You worthless son of a bitch," he growled as his fist collided with Eric's face. "just can't let me be happy can you?" then another one.

One after another, Ambrogio continued to kick the crap outta Eric and I finally decided to step in.

"Stop it! You're hurting him!" I screamed and tried to pull him off of Eric.

Ambrogio snarled and pushed me back with unnecessary force then began pounding Eric even more.(A/N: pause lmfao)

My back collided with my dresser and I collapsed on the floor in a heap. Ignoring the pounding pain in my back, I got up and ran back over to try and stop it.

"Ambrogio, get the hell off of him! He hasn't done anything! He was only-"

"He shouldn't be doing a damn thing!" He growled. "That's what I'm here for! He was only this, he was only that. All I've ever heard. Why are you defending him? Huh? Maybe I didn't make myself clear when we first met, so let me try again." He growled and started walking towards me, leaving Eric on the floor coughing up blood.

" You are mine. " he started, still walking closer to me. "Mine. Mine to have, mine to talk to, mine to laugh with, mine to cry with, mine to comfort and console, mine to kiss, mine to enjoy, mine to argue with, and most importantly mine to fuck." When he finished my back hit the wall and he rushed over to me in a second. His hands gripping my shoulders.

" Mine, Ever! Mine, mine, mine!" He was starting to sound like a kid who didn't want to share his toys; not that I was a toy that could or would be shared.. You get the point. "I will personally kill any male who ever comes within a foot of you without my consent. " he threatened and then turned to Eric. " Mine. Got it? " all Eric did was cough up a little more blood and Ambrogio started to drag me down the hall.

" Let go of me! Get off! Help! Help! I'm being kidnapped! Help m-" I was cut off by his hand closing around my mouth and being pushed against the wall in a almost pitch black hallway.

"Ever, if you don't shut your damn mouth, so help me god, I'll lock you up and throw away the key." He threatened

What's with all the threats? He thinks he can just push me around because I'm human ? I think not.

"You think just because I'm human, you can do whatever you want to me. Well think again pal, I have rights. I have... Well right now I have a mild headache, but you still can't treat me like I'm some rag doll you can just toss around." I argued, wincing when I put my hands on my hips. Damn. I forgot my back felt like it was about to fall off.

"What was that?" He asked looking at me closely

"What was what ?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.

"You keep wincing, like something's hurting you." He stepped closer

"Psshh. You're crazy!" I bent over to stretch my back and a sharp pain shot through my body, but I played it off. If he knew I was hurt I'd never hear the end of it. "I'm totally fine." I groaned

He slipped his arm around my back and a small scream escaped my mouth.

"What happened to your back?" He asked and pulled me into a dim room.

I stayed quiet as he sat me on the bed gently.

"Let me ask again, what happened to your back?" He sounded frustrated

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