Ch. 3: Roomies

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As we pulled up to a mansion I distanced myself from Ambrogio a bit, seeing as how I'm just dinner to him, I'd like to stay alive for just a bit longer.

We walked around the house for a while with him just explaining where everything was and how to find it.

He had shown me everything except for where I was sleeping. We had passed a bunch of rooms through this tour and I really didn't want to believe that he bought me just to eat.

" So are you going to answer or am I going to have to do something more embarrassing to get your attention ? " He said waving his hands around in my face.

I backed away a little to keep the distance I had tried to maintain since my time being here. " I'm sorry I didn't hear you.. " I said quietly and looked at the ground

He hesitated before he crouched to meet my gaze. " Why will you not look at me ? And why are you backing away ? " He asked with a frown

Without realizing I had backed far away from him and my back had hit a wall. He rushed me and his hand rested on the side of my neck. Not in a choking way, just to be there touching me.

I looked to the side and the electricity I usually felt when he touched me was numbed by the pure fear I felt when he was around.

His mouth was by my ear an his breathing was heavy. " Why are you so tense, darling ? " He asked with a smirk and his lips found my neck as a whimper of helplessness left me followed by a small sob and a few tears.

I was going to eaten after not even a day of being here. I would never see my best friend again. I would suffer the same fate as my family.

Before I could stop, I was full on crying and Ambrogio was staring into my tear filled eyes with concern and hurt in his.

" Mi amor, what is wrong ? " He asked

I just wrapped my arms around myself and slid to the ground so I wouldn't be so close to him.

He crouched down in front of me and I quickly scooted into the corner and crossed my arms over my knees in front of me. " Please. P-please don't hurt me." I pleaded. " I'll do anything, j-just please don't h-hurt me. " I cried

I was afraid for my life. He was a vampire and they were murderers. Is it hot in here or am I not breathing.

I tried my hardest to catch some air. I was hyperventilating. I took quick breaths and couldn't slow them down.

I felt hands wrap around me and I fell into the darkness.


She was curled into a ball in the corner sobbing for me not to hurt her.

Why would I ever hurt my mate ?

Her fear of me hurt me more than I ever thought anything would.

Suddenly she started breathing very fast and hard.

" Ever, sweetheart, take deep breaths. " I said consoling her

Suddenly she started to fall and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I quickly grabbed her and held her in my arms.

" Roland ! " I hollered. I knew he was back, it never took him long to recover. My brother, on the other hand, was always a little bitch when it came to fighting.

He appeared in the doorway within seconds

" Go and get Sheila, Ever passed out. NOW ! " I screamed.

I caressed her face as she laid on my lap unconscious. She was deathly afraid of me and I caused her to cry.

I held her tighter in my arms until Sheila arrived moments later and tried to take her from me.

" Mine ! " I snarled and held her closer.

" Sir, we have to get her to her room so we can put her on the necessary medication. " she said calmly and 3 other women came in and carefully grabbed her from me.

" This is her room, " I said. " I was showing it to her and I got close to her and she got scared and fainted. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know I scared her that much. I-it... it's my fault. I did this to her ! " I screamed

" Ambrogio, I need you to calm down. You are only gonna make her condition worse in this state. " Sheila said calmly.

I took deep breaths as she continued to tell me about Ever's condition.

"Obviously, her unconsciousness was fear induced. She should be awake in a couple of hours. When she wakes up, feed her and give two of those pills on the nightstand." she explained and I nodded. " oh and Geo," she started. " Don't be so hard on yourself, bro " she said and walked out.

I watched as she laid in her bed breathing evenly and she stirred a little.

She was absolutely stunning. Her long black hair was tied back out of her face and she was changed into one of my shirts that I had left in one of her drawers.

I debated on whether or not I should lay next to her and hold her to make sure she was okay, but I decided against it.

I would probably give her a heart attack.

I went to the book case and pushed in some of the books and it opened.

I walked down the stairs and into the underground room where I stay.

Yes, it's right below hers. I had this built in case my mate was a human and I couldn't sleep with her in her bed.

Guess it came in handy.

It was night so I just laid in bed thinking about the beauty above me who was all mine.

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