Ch. 6: Curves

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A couple of knocks and pauses to my door let me know that Percephine had successfully snuck in and found my room.

I quickly opened and closed it, locking it back the way it was.

" Thank you so much Cephey, I can never thank you enough. " I said hugging her tightly

" You're welcome, but do you mind telling me why you wanted, and I quote," she says as she pulls out her phone to read the text I had sent her." Bring make-up to suit my face, any type of clothes skin tight, and killer heels to go with it. Love ya Ceph." she read with a funny face.

" Just get me ready, " I commanded. " I need to be irresistible. " I say sitting in front of the vanity table as she got her supplies together.



I stood in front of a full length mirror just one hour later with my hair straitened, a dress to show off my legs, and my face made up to perfection. Suddenly Cephey gasped and I looked at her in surprise.

" What ? What's wrong ? " I ask starting to panic

" It's..." she says covering her mouth

" Is my dress ripped in the back ? " I asked trying to turn around and see.

" No, no. It's not that.."

" Is my makeup smudged ? " I ask and look in the mirror for splotches or smeared mascara.

" No... " she trailed

" Then what !? What is it !? " I yell exasperated.

She lets out a fake sob and finally says, " Your curves are gonna be the death of me. " and smiles at me.

I let out a sigh of annoyance, " Sometimes, I don't know why we're friends. " I say shaking my head.

" It's because you LOOOOVE me ! " She said and started to push me towards the door. " Now get out there and make that sexy bastard pay." she said shoving me into the hall outside my room.

I quickly made my way down the stairs toward where the gathering was being held. I sat at the bar and ordered a simple drink, then turned and admired the guests.

As my eyes roam around the room, they stop on the gorgeous man from before and I shoot him an innocent wink. He smirks and makes his way over to me.

Let the games begin.

As he sat next to me with a smile, behind him my eyes caught the same hazel ones that made my heart skip a beat staring into my soul.

" So, you found me, " he said with his charm that was almost impossible to resist. Almost. " what are we gonna do beautiful ? " He shoots a wink at me and gently grabs my hand before placing a kiss on it.

The same gesture Geo did, but it didn't feel right with him. I looked behind him again and saw him again, this time closer and a look of anger took over his features.

Good. It's what you deserve... Bitch.

" Well, " I started, leaning closer to him and placing a hand on his thigh. " you could start by telling me your name. " I said and batted my eyelashes.

" Eric, Eric Lovett. " he replied, putting more charm in his answer. " and you ?"

" Ever, but my name can be whatever you want it to be if you keep looking at me like that. " I said and he let out a laugh.

" You're clever, I like that. You're also very beautiful, I like that as well. Let me tell you exactly what I would like to do to you. " he said smoothly as he leaned to whisper in my ear.

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