The Kidnapper (pt.1)

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Colby's POV:
I finally escaped, my abusive household.
It was the most hardest accomplishment I've ever had to complete, but I finally did it.
My dad always came home drunk and never thought once to take care of me or realized that I existed in his poor life.
My mom on the other hand, was severely strict. For example, having to get screen time on my phone, not being able to use the restroom at school, always having to complete 7 chores every single day before taking a break.
The worst part is that she would hit me very aggressively with her belt, leaving bruises and scars on my arms and legs with tears running down my face because I failed to follow her rules. Like I'm sorry I have a tiny bladder.
But all of that was over, since I've ran away.
I was walking down the sidewalks of rain side street when I see an odd looking van parked up a couple blocks ahead. I didn't fully capture my attention so I decided to walk right by it.
Before I knew it, I was grabbed aggressively and thrown into the van.
"Shit" I thought in my head. I was kidnapped.
"DRIVE! NOW." some old looking dude said in his what sounded like forties.
The van was pitch black so I couldn't make out any of their faces.
Then there it was...the day I finally escaped this prison was also the day I got kidnapped.
It felt like such a long drive...each bump on the highway and every sharp turn they took;it felt like I got knocked out in some way.
Then I woke up, hands, legs, my whole body tied to this chair; like how every kidnapper lays out his style.
"Where's the money?" One of the older guys asked me.
He looked like some drug addict with a receding hairline, and grey eyes. Had no personality whatsoever.
"Idk man, I'm broke." I say, with a depressed emo tone..
"I'm not lying man, WHERE'S THE MONEY?" He responded again in anger, with a blade to my neck.
I ignore his question and start squirming, attempting to free myself from the rope.
"You're not going anywhere buddy." Another one of the drug addicts says to me, as he rips my hood off from my head. He was a smoker, I can tell just by his voice. He had almost all white hair, and really dirty clothes.
"Repeat what I say, and do what I say." The white haired guy said.
I slowly nodded and ushered for him to continue.
"I will not try to escape."
"I won't try to escape."
"I will not ask for any weapons."
"I won't ask for weapons."
"And I will never ask for any breaks."
"I will never ask for breaks."
"Good. Now keep your mouth shut!" He says putting tape on my mouth.
I tried to make out the words "can I have my phone?" But it sounded all muffled.
"I told you, no asking for weapons. Phones are weapons."
I looked at him confused and just sat there.
They left me in a cold, runt down, haven't been renovated in years, basement.
I looked at the walls, severely scribbled and graffitied on.
There was a black table with lots of ropes and weapons, and my phone in a clear box.
How badly I wanted to use my phone.
I huffed and shut my eyes.
I just wanted this to be over, how did I even get here? Why did I even leave in the first place.
After what seemed about 2 hours, they came back with food.
"Oooohhooo look who's hungry.!" One of the other guys said waving a piece of raising cane's chicken in my face.
God, I was starving. Last thing id eaten today was half a piece of toast.
The other guy seemed to be a mix with the other two guys. He had brown hair, all old and wringley with blue eyes.
"Gh" I say as I lean my head back, ignoring them.

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