TK (pt.3)

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𝟑:𝟏𝟔𝐚𝐦. It read, glowing it's blue light in my face.
"Perfect." I murmured so I didn't make a sound.
I managed to get untangled from the ropes. I took my phone and quietly tiptoed to the bathroom.
I turned on its bright light, and prayed that no one heard me.
I closed the door and locked it so I had extra protection/time.
I made my way over to the toilet, avoiding to step on anything that wasn't the ground.
I climbed onto the toilet seat and examined the vent closely.
Two screws. One on the top right and one on the bottom left.
I got off the toilet seat and looked for a screwdriver.
There was a nail file right next to the sink.
I grabbed it and got back on the toilet seat.
I managed to get the top right unscrewed but the bottom left one wouldn't budge.
Then I heard two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs.
"SHIT." I said scrambling out of the bathroom, unlocking the door and tiptoeing back to the chair as fast as I could.
By the time they got to me, I was already half asleep, in my untied rope chair.
"I swear I could've heard something from down here." One of the two said. They didn't even turn on the light or anything, but I went back to bed for the rest of the night so I wouldn't have the chance to get caught again.
I woke up to rock music blasting in my ears.
"Aughh" I say as I don't want to be woken up by some awful music.
"Wake the fuck up!" The grey eyed guy said.
"Fuck off...." I replied.
He then slaps me across my face.
"Everyone wants to go out today." He says, aggressively giving me a piece of paper that almost gave me a paper cut.
It was their schedule.
Apparently 'go out day' Meant 'kidnap another stranger day'.
It read:
Mondays - Day off

Tuesday - Go Out Day

Wednesday - Go Out Day

Thursday - Day off

Friday - Go Out Day

Sat/Sun - Day off

Today was a Wednesday. I remembered I checked my phone earlier that day. Today was another kidnapping day so I don't know if that means a good thing or not.
"We're gonna catch em all!" The blue eyed drug dealer said. It was a phrase from that old Pokemon app no one uses anymore.
I gave them back the paper and stared at them.
"No leaving this room. YOU HEAR ME?"
Dirty clothed dude said.
I nodded and slowly started smiling as they left me.
I made sure that they were all gone before I freed myself to the chair.
I noticed something. There were extra ropes. They not only tied me to the chair but they tied my chair to the pillar they had me right next to so they made sure I wouldn't leave. And I wasn't any close to the table so that didn't really help either.
"Fuck." I said scrambling out of the chair.
None of the ropes would budge and I didn't have anything to cut it with.
I did learn some rope cutting skills from my past but we're really weak, repictured in my mind.
I used my teeth to get my hands untied, but that was it.
I thein used my hands to untie everything else, even the chair towards the pillar.
I did what I did yesterday.
I walked over to the table and grabbed my items. My phone wasn't there so I assumed it was in the bathroom.
I went back into the bathroom and saw my phone.
'𝟏𝟎:𝟏𝟗𝐚𝐦'. It said gleaming orange with it's numbers. Oh how refreshing it was to see my phone once again.
I then went to check back in the vent again. I tried the nail file and everything all over again and got both of the screws unlocked.
I removed the vent lid to inhale a pile of dust.
I coughed and waved it out of my face to see what was in there.
I climbed all the way into the vent to find more evidence.
After about 9 feet of crawling, I see a pile of paper, all with something valuable on them.
"Oh shit." I say scattering through all of them.
'9 year old Stacey wickschnener killed by three mysterious guys' one of them read. '5 year old claimed to have gone missing back in 2019' another one read. Or '19 year old was raped by an old man on the street.'
I put my hand over my mouth in shock.
Then I saw there was a box.
It was the ouija board, the game everyone played to connect with spirits.
I moved the stuff closer to the vent but I never took any of them out from the vent.
I don't really know how long I was exploring the vent, but it felt like hours.
Eventually, I came out of the vent and closed it, hoping no one would question me or realized what I have just done.
I grabbed all of my materials but before I left the bathroom, I saw the bathroom mirror, it had two cracks on it, a third one slowly appearing.
I then ignored it and went back to the chair. Put my phone in the box, left the materials/weapons on the black table, and sat in the chair.
Then they got back with some other teen around my age.

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