TK (pt.8)

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Colby's POV:
After I gave Sammy a lil fun time, he just passes out.
"SAM!" I screamed, tears started to run down my face.
I scrambled to get my clothes on and carried him outside of the bathroom.
I searched for my phone everywhere and found it in the clear box. I🐈 struggled to get it out of the box.
Once I got it out, I dialed 911.
"That's what I should've done in the first place..." I said inside my head.
"911 what's your emergency?" A female voice came on the phone.
"Yeah H-hi, me and my friend here have been kidnapped for d-days...and he just passed o-out." I trip over my words.
"Okay do you know the location of where you were kidnapped?" She asked.
"Uhm well I was on RainSide street but I have no idea where Sam was..."
There was a few seconds of silence.
"How old is your friend Sam?" She asked.
"I'm pretty sure he's my age, 16 I think"
"Okay, so what does the area look around outside? Is there a window you can look out through."
"Uhm yeah," I say as I look out the closest window. I dragged over a chair quietly so see more of what was outside.
"There's just a plain field." I say.
"Ok, help is on your way." She says.
"Can you stay on the line with me?" She asked.
"Yeah" I replied.
Sam finally woke up and I was so relieved, I thought he almost died.
"I'm getting us help" I whispered to him.
"Woah, what happened?" He wakes up in a daze. 
Right after he said that, they heard police sirens.
I couldn't be more excited.
"Police, Open up!"
We both heard at the front door, along with loud bangs.
"Shit! They found us!" Bobby said.
They all scrambled to open the door.
"You are all under arrest for kidnapping  minors."
The man said. They all were handcuffed and dragged to cop cars.
"Yes!" I exclaimed.
They searched all around the house and eventually found us both.

Narrators POV:
The cops found Sam and Colby laying on the cement wall in the basement. They were in horrible condition so they were both sent to a hospital.

Colby's POV:
As I woke up on a bed, I was surrounded by nurses. I was finally free from that crusty basement.
The doctors said I was extremely dehydrated and was starving.
All I really cared about was Sam.
I frantically looked around the room and didn't see him anywhere.
"Where's Sam?" I asked them.
"Next door." One of them replied.
"Can I see him? Please?" I begged.
"Not until you fully recover. Now just rest."
"Fuck my recovery! I need to see SAM!!!!!" I shouted.
That's when everyone came and pinned me down. They shot something in my arm so I wasn't so loud and obnoxious.
I fell asleep again.

Sam's POV:
I woke up being in a hospital,on a bed, and finally not some basement in someone's house.
The doctors said that I should've ate something and that I was dehydrated.
Then I heard yelling coming from another room, it sounded like Colby but I didn't really know.
I really wanted to see him though because I had something to talk about with him.
I don't really know if I should tell him though, he might get extremely mad.
"I think you should see this." One of the nurses said handing an article to me.
"Oh." I said.
It read 'Three Kidnappers Finally Caught After 15 Years of Searching'.
"No way" I gasped, quietly.
I read through some of it. Colby and I weren't their only victims.
They kidnapped four teens, 15 and 13, and other two were 12 and 14.
"Where's Colby?" I asked them. "He's in the other room, you can see him if you'd like."
"Yes please." I replied almost instantly.
"Okay then, just be back soon." She said, talking me off all the IV's and all the other crap doctors put on patients.
I walked out of the room, examining all the side rooms around mine, until I saw Colby.
I walk over to him and sit down on one of the chairs.
"Colby~" I said, quietly.
"Huh?" He says instantly waking up.
"Omg I missed you Sam so much.."
Hey says while I hug him.
I sigh, while holding onto his hands.
"When are they letting you leave?" I asked Colby.
"Two days." Oh...
"They're letting me leave tomorrow..." I say with no excitement.
"Good for you." He says with a week smile.
I sit back in the chair and locked eye contact with Colby.

Sams intrusive thoughts:
God, if only I could bring Colby back home with me.
I love him so much, but idk how I could ever tell my girlfriend about him.
She'd hate me, but would that hurt equally than losing Colby?
I said bye and left his room.

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