TK (pt.5)

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He walks around as Sam and Colby try to hide the fact that they've been up all night.
What seemed to be like forever, he finally went upstairs.
"I'm tired" Sam says.
"You're tired?" Colby looks at Sam with a smile on his face.
Sam runs to the bathroom and splashes water on his face, while Colby  sneakily follows him into the bathroom.
"Tired, huh" Colby smirks and runs his hands through sam's hair.
"Oh jeeze, you scared me." Sam says.

Colby's POV:
I looked at the water Sam was splashing on his face and I haven't realized I was dying from dehydration. It's been two days since my kidnapping at this point, and I haven't had water in forever.
I quickly scooped some of it into my hands and started drinking it.

Sam's POV:
God fucking hell. My stomach has been hurting this whole time. The water on my face was refreshing but being kidnapped for this long hasn't.
This dude, almost like a cell mate. I thinks he's hitting on me or something.
He is really attractive though. He gives me this warm feeling inside, like I'm supposed to be with him or something.
I ran to the bathroom to wash my face because I was so tired, I didn't want to fall asleep in that dungeon, not knowing if id live my next day or not.
Out of the sudden. Colby just starts scooping up the water and drinking it.
"How long have you been here?" I asked him.
"God, holyfuck how long has it been? Like two days." He answers.
"Damn" I huffed. He nodded.

Colbys POV:
Sams huff sent shivers down my spine.
He was so cute, he distracted me from this whole kidnapping situation.
Sam started gripping the edge of the sink
"Goddamnit why can't you just stay awake.."
I stared at him, weirdly.
"Why don't you just go to sleep?"
He held his breath and stared back at me.
"Why? I wouldn't trust these morons one bit. They could kill me any second and I wouldn't know." Sam spat in my face.
"You could always just sleep with me. Nothing will happen to you."
"Can I daddy?" Sam says huddling closer.
"No I'm just kidding." He backs away.
I crossed my arms and stared at him intensely.
"Really?" I said.
Sam just stood there, his face blushed.
"I have to pee." He says.
I had enough of his bs. I just shut the door and left the bathroom.
I went and sat back in my chair.
"Fuxk daddy~" I quietly moaned, while covering my face.

Sam's POV:
I went to use the bathroom because I haven't used it all day, for some reason.
I got all shy around Colby cuz hes smoking.
After I got done using the toiletz I flushed it, washed dmt hands and left the bathroom.
I really didn't want to sleep alone, but here I was.
"Changed your mind? 😏" Colby smirks.
"Y-Yeah." I say scratching my head.
He lays his back against the wall and he lays his back against the wall and invites me to come sit by him.
I lay my head on his shoulder as he plays with my hair.
I moaned quietly because his hands in my hair felt so good.
"Feels good?" He said whispering in my ear.
"Mmh yeah." I say almost falling asleep.
He smiles as I slowly fall asleep on his shoulder.

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