TK (pt.9)

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Sam's POV
Next day, I was out. I called my girlfriend to pick me up and she was on her way.
"I'm here Sammy~" she playfully called.
Her calling me Sammy just wasn't the same versus if Colby were to say it.
"Hey" I said.
I opened the car door and got inside the car, then closed it.
She thenninstantly drove off.
Then she turned angry.
"Here" I said giving her the article.
She pulled over and started to read it.
"YOU GOT KIDNAPPED???" She gasps.
"I'm never letting you walk alone anymore.!!!" She exclaims and starts driving.
I sighed and crossed my arms.
I realized that I didn't have any contact with Colby whatsoever, and it's not like I would wake up and still be in that dungeon.
"Shit..." I whispered.
"What's wrong?" Kat asked.
"I-i left something at the hospital, that's all." I replied.
Kat ignored me and kept on driving.

Colby's POV:
Today was the day that Sam left the hospital. I forgot to ask for his phone number, which I should've done. But now it's a missed opportunity. And what about my hospital bill? I can't deal with this much longer...
I left my family, I am practically homeless now, I have a huge hospital bill, and my love left me.
I looked at the window and a tear slowly started falling down my cheek.
"Don't know where Sam is..." I say, falling asleep.
I had a dream that Sam finally came back for me.
Woke back up and realized the reality.
I covered the musty hospital blanket with my face and started crying.
Then I felt a tapping on my shoulder.
"M-Mr. Brock, someone's here to see you!" One the nurses said.
"Sorry you had to see me like this." I said sitting up and wiping the tears off my face.
Then I saw Sam.
My eyes lit up as he ran to hug me.
"Sam I missed you so much."
"I missed you too buddy."  He said rubbing his fingers through my hair.
He slowly stopped hugging me.
"Good news! You get to go home today!" The nurse said.
"Finally!" I said.
They unhooked me with the IV's and let me go home with Sam.
After we walked out of the hospital, Sam pulled me aside.
"I-I need to admit something." He says.
"Yeah?" I said.
"I......" He paused and gulped.
"I have a girlfriend."
I just looked at him.
"I know, it sounds so bad and I'm so sorry. I should've told you sooner." Sam says, his eyes tearing up.
I didn't even know what to say.
I'm not mad at him, I just don't like the sound of him having someone else that's not me.
It's not like I could live anywhere else.
"Do you want to live with me and my potential ex?" He offers.
"Sure." I reply shyly.
He takes me over to his girlfriends car.
"This is my bestie Colby. Colby, this is my girlfriend Kat." Sam introduces us.
"Can he live with us, please?" Sam asks Kat.
"Fine." She replies.
Sam opens the door for me and we both get in the car and he closes the door.
On our drive back to Sam's house, he rubbed my inner thigh.
I wanted to moan so bad but his girlfriend was in the car so I just looked at him.
"Not right now." I look at him and smirked.

Sam's POV:
I can't believe I just introduced my girlfriend to someone that she didn't know who I would cheat on her with.
I didnt know how much longer I could survive not being in Colby. But we had to live with my girlfriend which was such a huge problem.
I didn't know how to tell her I was gay and I was falling for Colby.
The fact is that I haven't even known him for that long. Less than a week.
Hopefully she doesnt last long...
Once we got to our apartment, we all got out of our car and I showed Colby his room, while my girlfriend went to her room..
"This is your room" I said.
"Aka, the place I'll suck your entire soul out." I whisper to Colby.
"I like the sound of that..." Colby giggles.
I peck Colby's cheek.
"My love" I softly whisper in his ear.
"Stawppp" he says blushing.
"Be right back." I say, walking to my girlfriends room.
I don't even know why I call her my girlfriend anymore at this point.
"Heyyyyy, so what's for dinner babe?"
Kat says.
"Idk" I say.
"What's it with you? Why do you seem so sad????" She questioned.
I almost spilled everything.
"We should hangoutttt" she moaned.
"Cmere" she grabs my hand and starts kissing me.
"N-not right now kat..." I muffled.
"You literally never want to do anything anymore!" She huffed and crossed her arms.
I sighed and left her room.
I went back to Colby's room and locked the door.
"heyy smexy, what do ya want for dinner?" I say.
"We should get pizza." Colby says.
"Okay. I'll be right back again. See if kats good with it." I say walking out of his room.
I walk into kats room and ask her the same thing and she says she's fine with it.
So I order the pizza.
I went back to Colby's room to hangout with him.
"Wanna cuddle?" He asks me.
"Sure..." I reply.
He put his arm around me and I could feel my cheeks getting hot, so I cover my hands with my face.
"Sammy~ you ok buddy?" He asked me.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say as I stare at him and cross my arms.
"Awww", "you're so cute!!!" He shouts.
Then I hear footsteps from kat.
"Shit!" I say.
I remove Colby's arm from my waist.
"What are you two doing?" Kat yells.
"Mmm nothing- I just found this cute article online about these adorable cute pets." Colby says.
"Ok fine!" She says storming out of Colby's room.
"Adorable cute pets??? 😭" I say.
"Well yeah, the cats!" I break out laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" He asks me.
He shows me a picture of one of them and it's just the caption 'adorable cute pets.'
He puts his phone away.
He stares at me while I'm still smiling.
He kisses my lips.
I start making out with him, he tasted sweet.
"Mhh" I slightly moan.
"Quiet, you have a girlfriend, remember?" He whispers in my ear.
"Fuck my girlfriend, Colby." I answered.
Then my girlfriend barged in Colby's room.
Colby instantly got up off the bed.
"Sorry, I was trying to get Sam out of my room!" Colby spoke, making up a quick excuse.
"Here, I'll help you!" She says yanking my arm.
"ow" I screeched.
"Stop doing that! Sam doesn't like it!" Colby says.
"You guys suck!!! Whens the pizza gonna be here?"
"Soon..." I say to kat.
"Sam, are you ok?" Colby says, picking me up.
"So vicious" Colby said to kat directly.
"Tutorial on how to treat Sam!" Colby shouted.
"This one's for you, Kat-elloney-and-cheese" he says mysteriously.
"So...step 1!
Lay him on bed." Colby lays me on his bed.
"Step 2!!
Get ontop of him and look at him!
Step 3!
Get all flirtatious with him." Colby said, turning me on while kat just stares in horror.
"Step 4....
Kiss him on the lips." Colby says kissing me. Kat scoffed.
"Step 5!
Pull down his pants and give him head!" Colby shouts as he pretends to give me head.

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