Back to training ;)

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(Leah's POV)

I woke up next to Jordy. She was fast asleep as usual. It felt like a dream. I can't believe I actually kissed Jordan Nobbs and she likes me back.

Beth was already up making us breakfast, for a change. Lucy and Keira were still asleep as well.

I kissed Jordy on the forehead trying to wake her up as gently as possible, also trying not to alert the others.

"Morning Jordy... it's back to training today!"
"Hey baby... Oh shit sorry."
"No it's okay I think Lucy and Keira are asleep and Beth is in the other room."
"Ahh that's good."
"I love the name baby though."
"Yeah it's really cute... just like you."
"Omg stop I just cringed."
"Sorry baby I can't help it 😉"
"Shhhhh we don't want the others to hear. I know it's going to be difficult keeping this a secret but I just need to bring up the courage to tell them."
"Nonono. Don't apologize! I totally understand. But trust me on this, they will accept you for you. And they are all gay anyway so... 😂"
"Ahhaha okay thanks Jordy."

I look around to see if the others are awake or if Beth is near but the coast is clear. I grab jordy by the waist, pull her towards me and I kiss her deeply. But then I hear Beth coming down the hallway so we quickly break apart and Jordy pretends to be asleep. What a silly goose. 🙄

(Back to everyone)

Beth: "oh hey Le, are the others awake?"
Leah: " I'm not sure"
(Leah tries her best not to burst out with laughter)
Beth: "okay then, I made breakfast and training is quite soon so maybe could you wake the others?"
Leah: "Yeah. No problem Beth"

Beth walks off back to the kitchen.
Leah 'wakes' up Jordan first.

Leah: (in a jokey way) "Jordannnnn it's time to wake upppp"
Jordan: "no way! It's morning already??!!"
Leah: "shut the fuck up 😂"

Keira: "Alright, Alright! Jesus Christ Leah"
Lucy: "what the shitting hell. We are literally 2 meters away from each other."
Leah: "I had to make sure you were awake ;)"
Lucy: "Yeah well it worked."
Leah: "good."
Jordan: "come on Beth made us breakfast, let's go.."

After breakfast, the girls need to get ready for training.

Leah: "thanks Beth, that was really good."
All: "yeah thank you!"
Beth: "right enough of the praise, we have to leave in 45 mins so get a move on."
Leah: "Oh shit yeah I forgot."

They all get dressed and get ready to head out.

Beth: "everyone got their boots?"
All: "yep!"
Beth: "alright lets go!!"

Beth, Lucy and Keira all walk ahead and Leah and Jordan are at the back.

(Leah's POV)

Jordy is walking next to me and I can't help but slap her bum 😂

"Hey! What was that for?!!😭"
"Sorry, just had to."
"Of course you did. 🙄"
"You know me babe 😉"
"Yeah. I wanna call you that when it's just us and you can call me baby."
"Aww you cutie 🥰"

Finally after the squad meets together for a chat and now it's finally time for training!!

Sarina: "hello girls, congratulations on your win I am very proud of every single one of you. I am going to go a bit easier on you as it's the first day back and you just won! Anyways, we will start of with some warm ups in two's then get into a mini tournament for fun! Also the winner gets a trophy!!  Sounds good?!"

5 minutes later..

Sarina: "alright girls it's time to get into your pairs. I will give you all a minute."

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